this is our climate moment


    The climate crisis is here. It’s up to us to vote for our freedoms and future. You in?


    Trump’s Big Oil-backed agenda threatens our democracy and rolls back our climate progress. It’s up to us to stop them.

  • Get the climate truth

    Tell Big Oil to stop gouging us at the pump.


The clean energy plan led by the Biden-Harris administration is the largest investment in climate progress in US history. Thanks to the climate plan, energy bills are coming down and hundreds of thousands of new, good-paying jobs in clean energy are being created across the country. In 2024 and beyond, it’s up to us to tell the story of how climate action and clean energy investment are rebuilding our economy, lowering energy costs, and protecting our planet for future generations.

We will meet this moment with powerful stories of progress. The future is ours to protect.

  • 332

    Climate actions

    Climate actions President Joe Biden has taken — more than any president in US history.

  • 334,565


    New, good-paying clean energy jobs — and counting.

  • $361 BILLION

    In new clean energy projects across the country.

Creating Good Jobs

The clean energy plan is creating good-paying jobs, revitalizing communities, and strengthening the American economy.

Research & News

Find the most up-to-date and hard-hitting news, polling, research, and more:

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    • Press Release
    • Clean Energy
    • Economy
    • Jobs
    • Kamala Harris

    Celebrating Labor Day with a Worker-Powered Clean Energy Economy

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – American union members are building America’s clean energy future.

    August 30, 2024

    Post Link
    • Press Release
    • 2024 Election
    • Clean Energy
    • Jobs
    • Kamala Harris
    • +1 More

    Roll Call: “Climate Becomes Hot Campaign Issue,” As Trump’s Ex-Big Oil Lobbyist DOI Secretary Plugs Trump’s Vow to Destroy Clean Energy Jobs

    WASHINGTON, D.C – Yesterday, Roll Call reported that climate is a major campaign issue that’s only heating up as the match-up between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump heads into the final stretch

    August 30, 2024

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    • Press Release
    • 2024 Election
    • Kamala Harris
    • Trump

    A Clear Choice: Harris’ Optimistic Vision and Commitment to Climate Progress or Trump’s Nightmare of Climate Denial Conspiracy Theories

    Washington, D.C. – Tonight in Georgia, Kamala Harris laid out a hopeful, optimistic vision for America’s future, committing to more support for America’s middle class and to continue her historic work on climate action, which has lowered energy costs for Americans and created more than 330,000 clean energy jobs.

    August 29, 2024

Featured Updates from Climate Power en Acción

See the latest from Climate Power En Acción, our project to engage Latino communities — who are disproportionately impacted by climate change:

  1. Lo que es importante recordar: El historial de Trump sobre el clima

  2. Las cinco principales compañías petroleras ganaron $116 mil millones en 2023 a costa de las familias trabajadoras