Since Congress passed President Biden’s clean energy plan last summer, clean energy companies have announced 211,350 new jobs and counting!

This is the climate action and clean energy investment we fought for together. Everyone should hear this incredible news!

So now, we need to celebrate our hard work by getting the news out to our networks. Here are just a few ways you can spread the word ↓

Share on Socials

Get the word out with your friends, family, neighbors, and networks by sharing to social media. Here’s an example we drafted for you to edit and make your own:

💪 211,350 new jobs
⚡ 388 projects
🇺🇸 In 45 states + Puerto Rico

That’s just since Congress passed President Biden’s clean energy plan based on @ClimatePower’s latest report! We’re putting Americans to work building our clean energy future:

Email your Networks

Here’s an email you can send to your friends, family members, neighbors, and networks. Just copy and paste it into a new email draft, fill in your friends’ email addresses, and hit send.

Subject Line: The clean energy boom is here!


I just heard clean energy companies have announced 211,350 jobs and counting since Congress passed President Biden’s clean energy plan.

That’s over 200,000 new good jobs putting Americans to work building our clean energy future.

American manufacturing is back! Learn more:


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Do your friends and family not check their email? Text them instead!

Last summer, Congress passed President Biden’s clean energy plan. Ever since, clean energy companies have announced 211,350 new jobs putting Americans to work building our clean energy future.

Learn more: