FACT CHECK: EV Manufacturing Is Creating Good-Paying Jobs At Home, Building U.S. Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – During a visit to a non-union facility in Michigan, Donald Trump falsely claimed that investments in EVs are weakening the United States manufacturing sector and shipping jobs overseas to China. His lies continue – here’s the truth: 

FACT: Over 170,000 new American clean energy jobs and over $278 billion in new clean energy investments have been announced since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, including over 32,000 new electric vehicle jobs and over 92,000 new battery jobs. 

FACT: The oil and gas industry relies heavily on components from China, including barite and steel, tying the United States to supply chains in China as long as we rely on oil and gas. 

FACT: Since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, dozens of companies have announced plans to manufacture EV battery components on American soil.

FACT: The Inflation Reduction Act boosted domestic clean energy manufacturing, including electric vehicle manufacturing, and shifted private investment to the United States. 

FACT: Michigan is leading all other states in the nation’s clean energy boom, with 24 new projects announced. Clean energy investments have already spurred $21.03 billion in investment and helped create or move forward over 15,800 good-paying clean energy jobs in the state.

FACT: Trump suggested moving auto production out of Michigan to lower-wage, anti-union states. He also said we could’ve let Detroit go bankrupt during the financial crisis, and the auto industry lost jobs and closed plants in Michigan on his watch.