MEMO: Five Things to Know about Trump and Biden’s Climate Records 

  1. Trump promised Big Oil CEOs he would implement their agenda while asking for $1 billion in campaign donations.
    1. At a Mar-a-Lago campaign event, Trump told the oil and gas executives in the room that giving him $1 billion in campaign donations would be a “deal” because of the taxes and regulation they would avoid. 
    2. When he was in office, Trump’s tax cut gave $25 billion to big oil. Trump bailed out the oil industry during the pandemic and pledged, “we will never let the great U.S. oil & gas industry down.
    3. Meanwhile, President Biden has slashed methane pollution, fined Big Oil and Gas for breaking the rules, and closed tax loopholes for Big Oil, forcing them to pay their fair share.
  2. President Biden has created more than 312,000 jobs with his clean energy plan.
    1. President Biden has put us on a path to create 9 million jobs by 2030, which will cement American leadership over China in clean energy and clean cars, tripling American production of clean, renewable energy.
    2. If Trump wins, these jobs are at risk. The 312,900 jobs and $361 billion in investment announced thanks to President Biden’s clean energy plan include 23,146 new clean energy jobs and $16.45 billion in investment in Texas alone
  3. Trump rolled back more than 100 environmental  protections while in office.
    1. Trump’s EPA killed Obama’s Clean Power Plan. His administration blocked water safety rules and allowed corporate polluters to pump chemicals linked to cancer, health risks for children, and brain damage into our water.
    2. The Trump administration finalized a rule that rolled back reporting and technology use regulations for wastewater discharges that contain coal ash and toxic heavy metals from coal burning power plants.
    3. Trump’s administration rolled back efficiency standards for light bulbs and common household appliances
  4. President Biden has taken more than 300 climate actions—more than any other president in history.
    1. President Biden strengthened U.S. energy security by building our clean energy supply chains and reducing net crude oil imports by nearly 60%.
    2. The Biden administration is on track to protect more lands and waters than any other administration in its first term: more than 41 million acres and counting.
    3. President Biden accelerated investment in replacing all lead pipes to deliver safe drinking water to families within ten years.
  5. Donald Trump recently told supporters he doesn’t care about them, just their vote. At that rally, several people were hospitalized due to a climate change-fueled heat wave. 
    1. Trump called climate change a “hoax” and a “total con job,” and global warming a “hoax.”  While in office, Trump made 1,065 false or misleading claims on the environment. 
    2. Last week, millions of Americans faced record high temperatures, where temperatures in parts of the midwest and northeast were 25 degrees above normal.  

On Sunday, more than 100 million people across the United States were under heat warnings, with cities on the East Coast facing record-breaking temperatures.