What they are saying about the American jobs plan

Washington, D.C. – Today, President Biden traveled to Pittsburgh, a model for how investments in clean energy can create a new era of jobs and prosperity, to announce his Build Back Better plan, which includes big, bold investments in clean energy and infrastructure.

New polling shows that supermajorities of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans support these transformational investments, which will fight climate change while creating millions of new jobs. Following his speech, leaders from across the country joined the chorus of support for Biden’s plan.

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich: “I am thrilled that President Biden has placed clean energy and bold investments in America’s infrastructure at the forefront of his plan to build back better. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to power our economic recovery and put Americans to work by solving our long-term climate challenge. Too many families in New Mexico are living without internet access, clean water, and reliable electricity. The American Jobs Plan is our opportunity to change that. We will make our grid more reliable and our homes more resilient. And we will improve everyone’s quality of life and create millions of good paying jobs in our communities. Now is the time for big and bold investments in our infrastructure, in our people, and in our planet. I am eager to work with President Biden and my colleagues in the Senate to get this ambitious legislation across the finish line.”

U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: “American infrastructure is ready for a once-in-a-generation modernization that will make our public works more resilient and efficient.,” said U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.  “President Biden’s climate infrastructure plan would create good-paying jobs and rev up the economy just as we start to emerge from the pandemic.  I look forward to working out the details in the Senate and getting a historic climate bill to the President’s desk as quickly as we can.”

Congressman Sean Casten (IL-06): “As we recover from this pandemic, we have an opportunity to build an economy that’s stronger, more equitable and positioned for growth. That means we’ve got to make investments in clean energy infrastructure big and bold enough to do what’s scientifically and economically necessary to lower emissions, spur innovation, and revitalize our energy sector while creating millions of jobs.  It’s past time we get it done.”

Congressman Jared Huffman (CA-02): “As we recover from the pandemic, we have the opportunity to rebuild an economy that is resilient to climate change and create well-paying clean energy jobs. The infrastructure investments in President Biden’s Build Back Better plan give us the ability to address the climate crisis head-on by advancing the clean energy initiatives our country needs. Pursuing these projects will not only make progress on climate change, it will make our country stronger, healthier, and more prosperous.”

Congressman Andy Levin (MI-09): “Michigan knows firsthand how bold investments in clean energy can revitalize the economy, create good-paying union jobs, and ensure cleaner air and water for frontline communities. When the Great Recession hit, we bounced back by investing ambitiously in renewable energy, putting thousands of Michiganders back to work and making our state a leader in clean energy jobs. We are still on the cutting edge, with Detroit’s automakers leading electric vehicle innovation. Today, as Michigan and the U.S. begin rebuilding from the economic devastation of the pandemic, we have an opportunity to build upon the progress we’ve made and build back better. President Biden offered a solid plan to get us started, and Michigan is ready to serve as a model for this transformation.”

Congressman Mike Levin (CA-49): “As our country prepares to rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic, the opportunity to reimagine and revitalize an American economy that invests in ambitious clean energy and climate infrastructure has arrived,” said Rep. Levin. “Under President Biden’s proposed American Jobs Plan, we can lift up working families, create millions of good-paying clean energy jobs, and place our country on a path that not only builds back better, but protects our planet for future generations.”

Congressman Frank Pallone (NJ-06): “There is no better way to rebuild our economy for the future than to modernize our badly aging infrastructure, and President Biden’s American Jobs Plan is exactly what our nation needs right now to revitalize our communities. The President’s bold proposal will also combat the climate crisis by reducing carbon pollution and moving us towards a clean energy future.

“Over the last year our nation has suffered tremendous loss from both the pandemic and the severe economic downturn. I’m hopeful that Congress can come together quickly to pass transformational infrastructure legislation that will fulfill President Biden’s commitment to Build Back Better so we can create millions of new jobs, combat the climate crisis, and ensure no community is left behind.”

Congressman Paul D. Tonko (NY-20): “Joe Biden’s message of building back better has always been about more than replacing the old with the new; he sees the need for bold planning and ambitious public investments that will lay the foundation for America’s brightest future. Politics and division have kept us from taking these needed steps—from repairing failing water systems to investing in broadband access and tackling the climate crisis—for decades. I am excited and grateful to have a team of leaders in the White House who not only know the cost the American people are paying for that misguided politics of austerity and climate denial, but who also realize the extraordinary economic and social good we can achieve with bold action now.”

Mayor of Pittsburgh Bill Peduto: “Pittsburgh has shown that investments in clean energy and infrastructure can  revitalize our cities as they transition to a new era of jobs and prosperity. Tens of thousands of Pittsburgh workers are now working in clean energy, renewables, and efficiency jobs, a bright spot in our economy. But we can’t stop there–we need big, bold investments to grow and foster the clean energy economy and build for the future.”

Mayor of Philadelphia Jim Kenney: “In order to meet Philadelphia’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, we need to make significant investments in making our buildings more efficient, improving access to biking and public transit, building solar and other renewable energy projects, and upgrading our electric grid. Each of these investments present an opportunity to grow Philadelphia’s economy and reduce poverty by putting our residents to work in high quality infrastructure jobs.

“Already, Philadelphia has one of the fastest growing solar markets in the country and our first-in-the nation high school solar job training program is ensuring that students, particularly students of color and underserved communities, are getting ready for the careers of the future. Philadelphia is hopeful that additional federal investments in infrastructure will help us meet our racial equity, climate justice, and economic development goals.”

Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner: “In red and blue states across the country, mayors need additional investments in clean energy to create jobs and strengthen our communities. In Houston, we have seen far too many times how climate change can lead to tragedy. Our current infrastructure to face these challenges is outdated, but with significant investment, we can build more resilient and sustainable cities and lead a global energy transition. With a strong federal partner, we can do just that.”

Mayor of Reno Hillary Schieve: “We take the climate crisis seriously. Reno’s average annual temperature rose more than 7 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 50 years. Some of the steps are large — we have upgraded nearly every city-owned light, we are doubling our urban forest canopy, encouraging expansion of electric vehicle and solar-energy infrastructure, and ensuring that new development projects in our regional, neighborhood and employment centers contribute to vibrant and walkable neighborhoods. We are also growing at a rapid pace so development, good paying jobs, and healthy homes and buildings are a priority to the City of Reno.”

Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti: “Here in Los Angeles, we know that investments in our infrastructure are about strengthening the lives and livelihoods of our residents — and building the literal foundation for a more prosperous, just, and sustainable future.  The Biden-Harris Administration is delivering an agenda defined by clear solutions for our cities and communities nationwide — equipping us with the tools to protect people’s health and safety, create good-paying jobs, break down systemic inequities, clean our air, and lift up the vulnerable families disproportionately impacted by this pandemic and the climate crisis.”

Mayor of Tucson Regina Romero: “As residents of the third fastest-warming city in America, Tucsonans are already feeling the effects of a warming climate. Climate change is not just an environmental issue – it is a public health crisis that is disproportionately affecting communities of color. We must take bold action today and invest in our clean energy future, and create good paying union jobs along the way.”

Mayor of Flagstaff Paul Deasy: “Like many communities across the nation, Flagstaff is grappling with the challenges of rising housing costs, the need for livable wages, and healthy transit options.  All of this against the backdrop of the impacts of climate change, which are only accelerating.  As a community dedicated to climate action we know that these issues are interwoven and that we cannot address them independently.  We need our community, our neighbors throughout the state, and the federal government to join together to find and implement innovative solutions that benefit all.”

Earlier this month, governors and mayors also called for massive, immediate investments in clean energy and infrastructure.  

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer: “We need to push for a recovery plan that focuses on good-paying jobs in infrastructure, manufacturing, and clean energy. We can put millions back to work and prepare states like ours to face climate change while creating unprecedented economic opportunity for businesses and prosperity for our people.”

Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak: “Now, it’s time to take the next bold step: bold investments in infrastructure and jobs, especially clean energy jobs. That could be a trifecta for Nevada: get to work building infrastructure for our future, create millions of clean energy jobs that get people back to work — and in doing so, help combat climate change.”

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers: “As we build the clean energy economy, we’ll be preparing states to tackle climate change head-on. In Wisconsin, we’ve begun that infrastructure recovery. We now need our federal policy makers to follow our lead and make bigger investments and bolder commitments to the clean energy economy. This is our moment to bounce back and build back better together. It’s our best shot at creating a cleaner, more prosperous state.”

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: “We need Congress to take action on building a clean energy future. We need bold investments in clean energy infrastructure and jobs. New Mexico has shown what clean energy leadership looks like, committing to a renewable energy future that eliminates our carbon footprint while creating exciting and fulfilling careers.”

Boise Mayor Lauren McLean: “The pandemic forced us to make sacrifices and building back better is a must. As a community that’s growing quickly with rising housing costs, it’s imperative that we build an economy that includes clean, well-paying jobs, and that we make housing affordable with clean energy, accessible transit, and infrastructure of the future. With the help of the Biden Administration, Boise will invest in affordable housing, clean energy, climate innovations, and transit to ensure that we’re a city for everyone. Working together, we’ll support our people and rebuild our nation, community by community.”

Nederland (CO) Mayor Kristopher Larsen: “Building back better is critical for small towns across the country. For years, we have had to delay improvements on our infrastructure because the costs of improving our roads, our water, wastewater, and stormwater systems, and transit has been too great a strain on already tight budgets. The opportunity to build resilient systems that will carry our small towns into the twenty-first century, while addressing the need for clean energy infrastructure, high-paying jobs, and innovative programs is what we have been hoping for for years.”

Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto: “Workers around Pittsburgh — from upper Appalachia to the Ohio Valley — have for generations provided U.S. industry with the resources it needed to grow, but are now seeing their jobs evaporate due to the hard realities of climate change. With strong federal investments in clean energy and industry we will build out a cutting-edge 21st century economy that provides jobs to new generations of workers throughout the Rust Belt.”

Tempe Mayor Corey Woods: “Tempe continues to invest in a clean energy economy, sustainable transportation, and infrastructure that is resilient to extreme heat. We are excited to work with partners in Arizona and at the federal level to accelerate investment in climate action to improve our cities and towns today and ensure we have livable communities into the future.”