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Polling Memo: Elevating Clean Energy Economy to Connect with Latino Voters in Battleground States

October 4, 2024

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NEW POLL—Latino Voters and Clean Energy Economy: Poll Findings among Latinos in AZ, NV, PA

October 3, 2024

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POLLING MEMO: Clean Energy Messaging Shifts Vote Toward Harris

September 26, 2024

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Trump’s War On Clean Energy

Trump’s war on clean energy threatens American jobs and investments while bolstering Big Oil. Because of the clean energy plan, America is in the midst of a clean energy boom with more than 334,000 jobs announced and $372 billion of investments. Trump has waged a war on clean energy and will devastate the industry if […]

September 6, 2024

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Harris Took Action Against Big Oil, While Trump Did Big Oil’s Bidding 

The contrast between Vice President Harris and Trump when it comes to taking on Big Oil could not be clearer. While Trump did the industry’s bidding as president, Harris acted to rein in Big Oil and protect Americans from their pollution and being gouged at the pump.  Contrast: Holding Big Oil Accountable As California Attorney […]

September 5, 2024

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Harris v. Trump On Clean Energy

On clean energy, Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have drastically different records. Harris has consistently supported clean energy and turbocharged a clean energy jobs boom with her tie-breaking vote to pass the clean energy plan, which is already creating jobs and lowering costs for millions of Americans. Trump on the other hand has […]

September 5, 2024

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Harris v. Trump On Pollution

When it comes to protecting Americans from harmful pollution and promoting environmental justice, the difference between Vice President Harris and Trump couldn’t be clearer. Harris has a long record of fighting to lower pollution and protect Americans, while Trump rolled back critical protections and gave handouts to polluters. The Contrast: Pollution As California Attorney General, […]

September 4, 2024

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Top 5 Climate Attacks On Trump

From outright saying he wants to be a “dictator” on “day one” to waging an all-out war on clean energy and rolling back environmental protections for big polluters, here are five of the former president’s worst hits from his long (and terrible) record on climate. 1. Trump Wants To Be A “Dictator” On “Day One” […]

September 3, 2024

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NEW: Harris Battleground Poll – Winning on Climate and Energy

Online survey of 2,011 likely 2024 voters in the battleground states of AZ/GA/MI/NV/NC/PA/WI, including oversamples of 727 18-34 voters, 312 Latino voters, 429 Black voters, and 565 PA voters. Fielded August 2-4, 2024.

August 20, 2024

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Harris v. Trump On Unions

The contrast between Trump and Vice President Harris’ record on supporting unions and workers is striking. Throughout her career, Vice President Harris has been a champion for workers and unions. Harris has joined workers on picket lines, including the United Auto Workers during their 2019 strike against General Motors. She has advocated for union labor […]

August 20, 2024