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100 Days Out: Harris Has Momentum While Donald Trump’s Unpopular Project 2025 is Tanking with Voters

Washington, DC — With just over 100 days until election day, Vice President Kamala Harris has momentum on her side – raising hundreds of millions in just a few days and mobilizing hundreds of thousands of voters.

July 26, 2024

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ICYMI: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $47 Million Grant to Austin to Fight Climate Change and Slash Pollution

Austin, TX — This week, the Biden-Harris administration announced $47 million in funding to a coalition led by the City of Austin. The coalition will focus on expanding transit in low-income communities, in anticipation of a future light rail system.  This funding comes as part of a 4.3 billion grant that will be distributed to projects […]

July 26, 2024

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Today In Screenshots: Trump Is Fine With Paywalling Free Weather Reports

WASHINGTON, DC - Donald Trump appeared on Fox and Friends, where he again endorsed Project 2025’s many dangerous proposals, like its plan to privatize weather forecasting.

July 25, 2024

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En el mismo bote: Historias de la Crisis Climática – ¡Gracias Joe Biden!

Gracias Joe Biden, es lo único que puedo decir después de cuatro años de un liderazgo sólido en uno de los temas que más aqueja a nuestra comunidad: la crisis climática. Usted ha sido nuestro presidente climático. Lideró la aprobación de la ley más significativa de este siglo para enfrentar esta amenaza, además de acciones […]

July 25, 2024

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Kamala Harris is Heating Up While Donald Trump is Melting Down

Washington, D.C. — If you thought Donald Trump’s endless tirade at the RNC was bad, you should see what he said at yesterday’s rally in North Carolina.

July 25, 2024

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ICYMI: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $129.3 Million Grant to Fight Climate Change and Slash Pollution in Cuyahoga County

Cleveland, OH — This week, the Biden-Harris administration announced $129.3 million in funding to Cuyahoga County. The funding will be used for solar installations on brownfield and former landfill sites, to support the transition away from a coal-fired power plant.  This funding comes as part of a $4.3 billion grant that will be distributed to projects […]

July 25, 2024

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ICYMI: Trump’s Visit to Charlotte Highlights What’s at Stake in November: 12,000 Clean Energy Jobs and Hundreds of Environmental Protections

Charlotte, NC — Yesterday, former president Trump visited North Carolina, which stands to lose over 12,000 clean energy jobs and $19 billion in investment if Trump wins the presidency in November. These clean energy jobs and investment funds were created by the Biden-Harris administration’s clean energy plan, which congressional Republicans have already voted to repeal more than […]

July 25, 2024

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Vice President Harris’ Visit to Milwaukee Highlights What’s at Stake in November: 300,000+ Clean Energy Jobs and Hundreds of Environmental Protections

Milwaukee, WI — Today, Vice President Kamala Harris made her first stop as the presumptive Democratic nominee for president to Wisconsin, which stands to lose $940.7 million in investments and 1,962 clean energy jobs if Trump wins the presidency in November.

July 23, 2024

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El Legado Perdurable del Presidente Biden en Materia Climática para las Comunidades Latinas

La decisión del presidente Biden de retirarse de la contienda fortalece su liderazgo y su legado como el presidente del clima. Washington, D.C. — En respuesta al anuncio del presidente Biden de finalizar su campaña presidencial y respaldar a la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris, Antonieta Cádiz, directora ejecutiva adjunta de Climate Power En Acción, emitió la siguiente declaración: […]

July 21, 2024

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Climate Power Statement on President Biden’s Climate Legacy

In response to President Biden ending his presidential campaign and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris, Lori Lodes, Executive Director of Climate Power, released the following statement

July 21, 2024