Michigan faces dire consequences from climate change, including drought, extreme rainfall, flooding, and rising water levels in the Great Lakes. The Biden-Harris clean energy plan is investing in Michigan to minimize these impacts and prepare for a clean energy future.
Learn more about the Clean Energy Plan in Michigan
BILLIONThe Inflation Reduction Act has spurred $27.84 billion in new clean energy investments in Michigan.
JOBSThe Inflation Reduction Act has led to 26,352 new clean energy jobs in Michigan.
Featured News
Michigan Messaging and Resources
Michigan Clean Energy Plan Benefits
Clean Energy Investments Are Revitalizing Michigan Communities
Michigan Climate Impacts
Said No, Took the Dough Statements Tracker
see who voted against the clean energy plan but celebrate the benefits
States & Local Clean Energy Messaging Guide
Want more information about Climate Power’s work in Michigan? Contact Luke Tonat for more information.