Representative Ruben Gallego Is A Climate Champion Who Will Protect Our Progress 

Representative Ruben Gallego is a climate champion for Arizonans. Gallego knows climate change is a crisis – and he has taken action by supporting legislation to limit pollution and promote clean energy, including voting for the clean energy plan which has already spurred $11.81 billion in investment and helped create over 18,000 new clean energy jobs in the Grand Canyon state while saving Arizonans money on their energy bills. Gallego has advanced legislation to address the impacts of the climate crisis on Arizonans, from extreme heat and wildfires to Arizona’s megadrought and air pollution. He has also worked to hold Big Oil accountable by voting to crack down on the industry for gouging Americans at the pump while pledging to not accept any oil and gas campaign contributions. 

In stark contrast, Kari Lake is following up her failed 2022 Gubernatorial bid by running for Senate campaigning on climate denial and gutting our clean energy progress. While figures show that hundreds have died from heat in one Arizona county alone, Lake has bizarrely blamed excessive heat deaths on drug overdoses and callously said she’s “not going to be afraid of the weather.” When it comes to Arizona’s droughts, wildfires, and air pollution, she has not offered any real solutions. She said a clean energy economy is counterproductive and unrealistic and has spread myths about clean energy, claiming windmills were killing thousands of birds and hundreds of whales every year. All the while, she’s taken over $125,000 from the oil and gas industry over her career, and multiple industry executives maxed out their contributions to her campaign for Governor. In return, she has parroted industry talking points and is calling to reinstate the dangerous drilling policies of the Trump administration. It’s clear that Lake threatens Arizonans’ health, safety, and economy. 

Kari Lake is vastly out of touch with Arizonans. While 78% of Arizona voters believe climate change is a serious problem and 75%  support shifting investments away from dirty fossil fuels and toward clean energy sources like wind and solar, Lake has spread myths about clean energy and has opposed renewable energy targets and local measures that advance cleaner energy. In Arizona, the impacts of climate change will mean hotter temperatures and more intense heat waves, decreased flow of water in the Colorado River, increased frequency and intensity of wildfires, and conversion of some rangelands into desert. The state’s agriculture, its economy, and people’s health will all be hurt: 

Advancing Climate Action

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As of June 2024, Arizona has received $15.9 billion in funding from the clean energy plan – that’s money going to communities all across the state to promote drought and climate resiliency, reduce pollution, and advance climate-smart agriculture. While Ruben Gallego acknowledges that the climate is changing and has worked to advance legislation to address the crisis head-on, Kari Lake is openly skeptical of climate change and doesn’t believe “that we’re in some sort of a weird heating trend.” 

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Expanding The Clean Energy Economy

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Gallego has championed Arizona’s clean energy industry. He voted for the clean energy plan, which has already spurred $11.81 billion in investment and helped create 18,130 new clean energy jobs in the Copper State, and supported legislation to increase the amount of renewable energy on public land and waters. In stark contrast, Lake has spread myths about clean energy, claiming windmills are killing thousands of birds and hundreds of whales each year and strongly opposed renewable energy incentives. 

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Extreme Heat

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Arizona is highly vulnerable to extreme heat caused by climate change, and our leaders must acknowledge and act on the problem. While hundreds have died from heat in one Arizona county alone, Ruben Gallego has introduced legislation and led funding requests to assist those suffering from extreme heat. Meanwhile, Kari Lake denies that extreme heat is a problem, blamed heat-related deaths on drug overdoses, and callously said that she’s “not going to be afraid of the weather.” 

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Droughts And Water 

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The water sources Arizona relies on are increasingly fragile due to sustained drought periods exacerbated by climate change. While Ruben Gallego has supported legislation to keep water in Lake Mead and other Colorado River reservoirs and to provide support for communities experiencing long-term drought, Kari Lake criticized the same legislation and believes a new water delivery system for Western states should be exempted from environmental reviews and legal challenges. 

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Arizonans are increasingly at risk from larger, more frequent, and more severe wildfires thanks to climate change. While Ruben Gallego recognizes the need for a comprehensive strategy to address wildfires and has voted to pass legislation that provided Arizona tens of millions for wildfire prevention, Kari Lake called the legislation “full of terrible ideas” and has not offered any solutions to addressing deadly and destructive wildfires in Arizona. 

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Air Pollution

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Arizona has some of the worst air quality in America, with Phoenix’s air ranking among the worst polluted in the nation. While Ruben Gallego has acted to address air quality, cosponsoring legislation requiring funding for air quality monitoring, Kari Lake has pushed for more drilling and has said a transition from dirty fossil fuels is “counterproductive and unrealistic.”

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Holding Big Oil Accountable

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Ruben Gallego has voted to hold Big Oil accountable for gouging Americans at the pump and signed a pledge not to take money from the fossil fuel industry, while Kari Lake’s campaigns have raked in more than $125,000 from the industry – with multiple oil and gas executives maxing out to her campaign – and called for the reinstatement of Trump’s dangerous drilling policies. 

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