MI-08 Race Backgrounder

Kristen McDonald Rivet Is A Climate Champion Who Will Protect Our Progress 

Michigan State Senator Kristen McDonald Rivet has been a climate champion for Michiganders. McDonald Rivet played an instrumental role in helping Michigan pass landmark legislation to combat climate change and put the state on a path to 100% renewable energy by 2040. She has prioritized practical solutions focused on addressing climate change, such as sponsoring legislation to protect farmers’ right to host solar projects on their land and voting for a bill to make it easier to site large wind and solar energy projects in Michigan. McDonald Rivet has also worked to address the worst effects of climate change – from air and water pollution to extreme rainfall and flooding. McDonald Rivet secured funding to replace lead pipes, secured $50 million for flood reduction infrastructure, and voted to pass legislation to make sure kids have clean drinking water at school. She understands that by running for Michigan’s 8th Congressional District, which represents Flint, she must do whatever is necessary to heal the damage of the water crisis, and has committed to doing so. Her time in the Michigan State Senate has shown us that McDonald Rivet will champion Michiganders’ health in Congress. 

In stark contrast, Paul Junge is attempting his third run for Congress – after having been rejected by Michigan voters twice before – and has made oil and gas production a centerpiece of his campaign. Junge opposed Michigan’s landmark legislation that puts the state on a path to 100% renewable energy. When asked how he would address the environmental impacts of climate change on the Great Lakes and other local water bodies, he doubled down on his support for fossil fuels. He also falsely claimed that solar and wind energy aren’t “dependable” and said we “need to continue to have all kinds of sources of fossil fuels in this modern age.” Junge wants to have it both ways – he claims to support Michigan’s Great Lakes and clean water, but supports policies that would keep the state reliant on dirty fossil fuels and lead to more pollution. Over his political career, Junge has proven to be in the pocket of Big Oil. He has vowed to expand oil and gas leasing on public lands and espoused Trumpian rhetoric about “clean coal” – all while taking more money from the oil and gas industry than any other industry in his 2024 campaign. It’s clear that Junge would be a threat to Michiganders if elected. 

Junge is completely out of touch with the Michiganders. 73% of Michiganders support increasing the share of electricity that is produced from renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, while Junge “strongly oppose[d]” the legislation that already spurred $2.07 billion in investment and helped create 2,221 new clean energy jobs in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District.  In Michigan, the impacts of climate change and continued reliance on fossil fuels will mean more extremely hot days, more frequent heavy rainstorms, and ice cover on the Great Lakes forming later or melting sooner.

The state’s agriculture, its economy, and people’s health will all be hurt: 

Advancing Climate Action

If You Say One Thing

While McDonald Rivet played an instrumental role in helping Michigan pass landmark legislation to combat climate change and put the state on a path to 100% renewable energy by 2040, Junge wants to keep the state reliant on fossil fuels and espoused Trumpian talking points of “clean coal.” 

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Expanding The Clean Energy Economy

If You Say One Thing

The clean energy plan has already spurred $2.07 billion in investment and helped create 2,221 new clean energy jobs in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District. While McDonald Rivet applauded the passage of the plan and supported several bills that put Michigan on a path to 100% clean energy, Junge opposed Michigan’s landmark clean energy legislation, falsely claimed that solar and wind energy weren’t dependable, and  “strongly oppose[d]” the clean energy plan.

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Water & Air Pollution

If You Say One Thing

While McDonald Rivet has spent her time in the Michigan State Senate securing funding to replace lead pipes, passing legislation to make sure kids have clean drinking water at school, and committing to doing whatever is necessary to heal the damage of the Flint Water Crisis, Junge is trying to have it both ways – he claims to support Michigan’s Great Lakes and clean water, but supports policies that would keep the state reliant on dirty fossil fuels and contribute to more pollution

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Extreme Rainfall And Flooding

If You Say One Thing

While McDonald Rivet secured $50 million for flood reduction infrastructure in Midland, Junge has not provided a plan to address extreme rainfall, flooding, and weather in Michigan.

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Holding Big Oil Accountable

If You Say One Thing

While McDonald Rivet has helped pass legislation that would transition Michigan away from dirty fossil fuels and to 100% renewable energy, Junge is in the pocket of Big Oil. He has vowed to expand oil and gas leasing on public lands and espoused Trumpian rhetoric about “clean coal” – all while taking more money from the oil and gas industry than any other industry in his 2024 campaign. 

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