MEMO: Trump’s Current Approach to Energy Is Diminishing His Promise to Bring Down Costs

Here is a list of messages that highlighted potential impacts on costs and how each message raised concerns with everyday Americans:

Do you support or oppose President Trump’s executive order to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement?
By withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement, the Trump administration will raise Americans’ costs and expose us to more of the devastating impacts of climate change. Instead of focusing the government’s attention on lowering costs for hard-working Americans, Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement on Day One of his presidency. Doing nothing about climate disasters is estimated to cost Americans more than $690 billion per year. By withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement, Trump is showing more interest in scoring points in culture wars than enacting common-sense policies to lower costs.Oppose %
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Do you support or oppose President Trump’s executive order to suspend new government permits and leases for wind energy projects?
By suspending new wind energy permits and leases, the Trump administration will drive up the cost of electricity for everyday Americans. We need to be generating more clean, American-made energy in order to lower electricity bills and help Americans who are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. Instead, the Trump administration is halting new wind power projects even though energy from wind is decreasing in price, already costs less than energy from fossil fuels, and doesn’t spike in price the way that oil and gas do in response to international events.Oppose % 
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By suspending new wind energy permits and leases, the Trump administration will take jobs away from hard-working Americans, raise monthly energy bills, and hurt the U.S. economy. By stopping ongoing projects, Trump will cancel the 77,000 stable, high-paying jobs being created by the offshore wind projects that were in development before this announcement. These projects were enough to power over six million homes and drive down monthly energy costs for Americans.Oppose % 
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Do you support or oppose President Trump’s executive order to weaken vehicle emissions and efficiency standards?
By weakening vehicle emissions and efficiency standards, the Trump administration will increase costs for everyday Americans. Weaker vehicle standards mean that cars and trucks will be less fuel-efficient, require more trips to the gas station, and cause Americans to spend even more of their money at the pump while big oil companies are already making record profits.Oppose % 
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Do you support or oppose President Trump’s executive order to repeal the government’s environmental justice programs?
By repealing environmental justice programs, the Trump administration is hurting communities that are already struggling the most to pay their utility bills. These programs were meant to ensure that government investments in energy and infrastructure were helping communities that faced the biggest problems with high energy costs. By eliminating these programs, the Trump administration is denying relief to families who are falling behind because of the high cost of living.Oppose % 
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1Between January 24 and January 27, the EPC and partners conducted randomized controlled trials (RCTs) through the Grow Progress platform to test responses to Trump’s executive orders and early actions on energy and climate. Respondents saw either a message against an executive order (n=600 per message) or an unrelated placebo message.