The American Jobs Plan will help tackle climate change and build a clean energy future while getting us back to work in good paying, union jobs. If passed, it will help rebuild our nation’s infrastructure to be resilient to flooding, extreme weather and the impacts of climate change; rejuvenate  our roads, bridges, transit systems, ports and waterways; and prioritize investing in environmental justice, electric vehicles, and clean water for communities across the country. 

The American Jobs Plan will:

1. Move toward 100% clean electricity by 2035.
2. Allocate $50 billion in dedicated investments to improve infrastructure resilience to severe weather events fueled by climate change. (Remember Texas’ power grid when faced with unprecedented blizzards?)
3. Pair clean energy tax credits with strong labor standards to ensure good-quality jobs with a free and fair choice to join a union and bargain collectively.
4. Target investments to support infrastructure in communities most vulnerable to climate disasters.
5. Build back infrastructure above existing codes and standards so we are prepared for the increasingly devastating impacts of climate change.
6. Invest $48 billion in American workforce development infrastructure and worker protection — including millions of new registered apprentice slots.
7. Invest $40 billion in a new Dislocated Workers Program and sector-based training, focused on clean energy, manufacturing, and caregiving, to help unemployed workers gain new skills in line with in-demand jobs.
8. Target workforce development opportunities in underserved communities, including formerly-incarcerated Americans.
9. Increase climate resiliency in the electric grid; food systems; urban infrastructure; community health and hospitals; and our roads, rail, and other transportation assets.
10. Ensure new infrastructure projects increase opportunities for marginalized communities.
11. Invest in infrastructure to protect communities from extreme wildfires.
12. Invest $40 billion to improve the critical infrastructure of the nation’s public housing system — addressing safety concerns, mitigating hazards to residents, and undertaking energy efficiency measures to reduce operating expenses.
13. Modernize the nation’s public school building system through investing $100 billion to upgrade and build new public schools.
14. Invest $213 billion to build, preserve, and retrofit more than two million affordable and sustainable places to live.
15. Build and rehabilitate more than 500,000 homes for low- and middle-income homebuyers.
16. Invest $20 billion to reconnect neighborhoods cut off by past transportation investments such as highways.
17. Invest in vulnerable communities through FEMA’s Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program.
18. Invest in vulnerable communities through HUD’s Community Development Block Grant program.
19. Invest in vulnerable communities through new initiatives at the Department of Transportation.
20. Build modern broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas to bring the country to 100% high-speed broadband coverage.
21. Allocate funds for infrastructure on tribal lands, ensuring that tribal nations are consulted in program administration.
22. Invest $16 billion in capping the hundreds of thousands of former orphan oil and gas wells and abandoned mines. These sites are largely in rural communities and pose serious safety hazards and damage to the environment.
23. Dedicate funding to support community-driven environmental justice efforts – such as capacity and project grants to address legacy pollution and the cumulative impacts experienced by frontline and fenceline communities.
24. Invest $10 billion in mobilizing the next generation of conservation and resilience workers through a new Civilian Climate Corps.
24. Invest $45 billion in existing programs to improve the nation’s drinking water systems.
26. Eliminate all lead pipes and service lines in our drinking water systems — reducing lead exposure in homes across the nation, as well as 400,000 schools and childcare facilities.
27. Invest in monitoring and remediating PFAS contamination in drinking water.
28. Provide $56 billion in grants and loans to states, Tribes, territories, and disadvantaged communities to modernize aging water systems.
29. Retool auto factories to compete globally in the EV market.
30. Support American workers to make batteries and EVs.
31. Establish grant and incentive programs for state and local governments and the private sector to build a network of 500,000 EV chargers by 2030.
32. Invest $10 billion in R&D at HBCUs and other MSIs.
33. Invest $15 billion to create up to 200 centers of excellence to serve as research incubators at HBCUs and MSIs.
34. Invest $17 billion in upgrading essential freight infrastructure, including inland waterways, coastal ports, land ports of entry, and ferries.
35. Invest $35 billion to achieve breakthroughs in technologies that address the climate crisis and position America as the leader in clean energy technology and jobs.
36. Increase funding for climate-focused research by $5 billion.
37. Provide support for the state, local, and tribal governments delivering infrastructure projects through world-class training, technical assistance, and procurement best practices.
38. Prevent severe job losses caused by pandemics through major investments in medical countermeasures manufacturing; research and development; and related biopreparedness and biosecurity.
39. Invest $20 billion in regional innovation hubs and a Community Revitalization Fund.
40. Transition 20% of the U.S. school bus fleet to clean buses.
41. Modernize 200,000 miles of highways, roads and main-streets.
42. Repair the most economically significant bridges in need of repair.
43. Fix the backlog of more than 24,000 busses, 5,000 railcars, 200 stations and thousands of miles of track, signals and power systems in need of replacement.
44. Address Amtrak’s repair backlog — more than $38 billion.
45. Invest more than $52 billion in domestic manufacturers through existing capital access programs with proven records of success, with a focus on rural manufacturing and clean energy.
46. Invest $400 billion in expanding access to quality, affordable home- or community-based care for aging relatives and people with disabilities.
47. Ensure new infrastructure projects promote affordable access.
48. Incentivize energy-efficiency building upgrades through extending and expanding home and commercial efficiency tax credits.
49. Invest $12 billion in community college facilities and technology infrastructure.
50. Invest $18 billion to upgrade outdated VA hospitals and clinics — their median age is 58 years.
51. Invest $10 billion in the modernization, sustainability, and resilience of federal buildings.
52. Prioritize support for broadband networks owned, operated by, or affiliated with local governments, non-profits, and co-operatives.
53. Purchase low carbon materials for construction and purchase clean power for newly constructed VA hospitals and federal buildings.
54. Purchase 24/7 clean power for federal buildings, driving clean energy deployment.
55. Replace 50,000 diesel public transit vehicles with clean alternatives.
56. Invest $25 billion in our airports, and increase funding for the Airport Improvement Program.
57. Extend and then phase down expanded investment tax and production tax credits for clean energy generation and storage over 10 years.
58. Combat drought in the western U.S. by investing in water efficiency and recycling programs, Tribal Water Settlements, and dam safety.
59. Establish an investment tax credit to incentivize the building of high-voltage capacity power lines and to spur private investment.
60. Support state, local, and tribal governments choosing to modernize their power infrastructure through efforts such as clean energy block grants that can be used to support clean energy, worker empowerment, and environmental justice.
61. Implement tax incentives to encourage consumers to buy American-made EVs.
62. Electrify the federal government’s fleet of vehicles, including vehicles used by the U.S. Postal Service.
63. Improve road safety for all road users — including a new Safe Streets for All program.
64. Improve existing rail corridors and connect new cities to the system.
65. Enhance grant and loan programs that support passenger and freight rail safety, efficiency, and electrific ation.
66. Build the future of transportation infrastructure with advanced pavements that recycle carbon dioxide.
67. Upgrade Federal Aviation Administration assets to ensure safe and efficient air travel.
68. Establish a new federal research lab focused on climate that will be affiliated with a HBCU.
69. Establish a Healthy Ports program to mitigate the impacts of air pollution on neighborhoods surrounding ports, which are often communities of color.
70. Invest $15 billion in climate R&D priorities — including utility-scale energy storage, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen, advanced nuclear, rare earth element separations, floating offshore wind, biofuel/bioproducts, quantum computing, and electric vehicles
71. Invest $50 billion in semiconductor manufacturing and research.
72. Establish a new office at the Department of Commerce to monitor domestic industrial capacity and funding investments to support critical goods production.
73. Shore up support for the Manufacturing Extensions Partnership — increasing the involvement of minority-owned and rurally-located small- and-medium-sized enterprises in technological advancement.
74. Support the modernizing of supply chains by extending tax credits.
75. Establish a Rural Partnership Program to help rural and Tribal communities rebuild critical infrastructure and spur economic development.
76. Invest in rural small water systems and household well and wastewater systems, including drainage fields.
77. Invest $25 billion in a dedicated fund to support ambitious infrastructure projects that have tangible benefits but are too large or complex for existing funding programs.
78. Invest $50 billion in the National Science Foundation, with a focus on semiconductors and advanced computing, advanced communications technology, advanced energy technologies, and biotechnology.
79. Establish 10 pioneer facilities that demonstrate carbon capture retrofits for large steel, cement, and chemical production facilities.
80. Provide transition and relocation assistance to support community-led transitions for the most vulnerable tribal communities.
81. Establish a $27 billion Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator to spur private investment in distributed energy resources, retrofits of residential, commercial and municipal buildings, and clean transportation.
82. Establish a bipartisan tax credit to provide incentives to low- and middle-income families and to small businesses to invest in disaster resilience.
83. Upgrade homes through the Weatherization Assistance Program.
84. Protect and restore nature-based infrastructure — our lands, forests, wetlands, watersheds, and coastal and ocean resources.
85. Invest in coastal resilience infrastructure to protect communities against sea-level rise and hurricanes.
86. Provide support for agricultural resources management and climate-smart technologies.
87. Protect and restore major land and water resources like Florida’s Everglades and the Great Lakes.
88. Establish a new Grid Deployment Authority at the Department of Energy to support transmission line projects.
89. Establish an Energy Efficiency and Clean Electricity Standard (EECES) to cut electricity bills and pollution, increase market competition, and incentivize more efficient use of existing infrastructure.
90.Invest in the Economic Development Agency’s Public Works program and in “Main Street” revitalization efforts through HUD and USDA.
91. Spur targeted sustainable, economic development efforts through the Appalachian Regional Commission’s POWER grant program and the Department of Energy retooling grants for idled factories.
92. Accelerate responsible carbon capture deployment and ensure permanent storage, by reforming and expanding tax credits, making it direct pay and easier to use for hard-to-decarbonize industrial applications, direct air capture, and retrofits of existing power plants.
93. Invest $25 billion to help upgrade child care facilities and to increase child care availability in high-need areas.
94. Implement point of sale rebates to encourage consumers to buy American-made EVs.
95. Modernize existing transit and help agencies expand transit systems to more communities across the country.
96. Modernize the popular Northeast Corridor rail system.
97. Establish a new program to support terminal renovations and multimodal connections for affordable, convenient, car-free access to air travel.
98. Upgrade both facility and technology research infrastructure in laboratories across the country.
99. Expedite federal decisions while prioritizing stakeholder engagement, community consultation, and maximizing equity, health, and environmental benefits.
100. Empower local leaders to shape land and water resource restoration and resilience project funds in line with the Outdoor Restoration Force Act.