In his first 100 days in office, President Biden and his administration have…

1. Re-joined the Paris Climate Agreement. [January 20, 2021]

2. Nominated former EPA administrator Gina McCarthy to be the White House’s National Climate Advisor. [January 20, 2021]

3. Nominated former New York State Deputy Secretary For Energy Ali Zaidi to be Deputy National Climate Advisor. [January 20, 2021]

4. Nominated Deb Haaland to be Secretary of the Interior and the first Native American cabinet secretary. [January 20, 2021]

5. Nominated former head of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Michael Regan to be the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. [January 20, 2021]

6. Nominated former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm to be Secretary of Energy. [January 20, 2021]

7. Nominated former EPA General Counsel Brenda Mallory to Chair the White House Council on Environmental Quality. [January 20, 2021]

8. Nominated former Mayor of South Bend, IN Pete Buttigieg to be Secretary of Transportation. [January 20, 2021]

9. Nominated former Secretary of State John Kerry to be the Special Presidential Envoy for climate change. [January 20, 2021]

10. Nominated former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack to be Secretary of Agriculture. [January 20, 2021]

11. Nominated former Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo to be Secretary of Commerce. [January 20, 2021]

12. Nominated former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen to be Secretary of the Treasury. [January 20, 2021]

13. Nominated former Obama advisor Brian Deese to be Director of the National Economic Council. [January 20, 2021]

14. Directed agencies to review the previous administration’s rollbacks of environmental safeguards. [January 27, 2021]

15. Started a review of the previous administration’s rollbacks of protections for national monuments. [January 27, 2021]

16. Started a review of the Trump administration’s decision to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. [January 27, 2021]

17. Raised the social cost of carbon from under $1 per ton to $51 to better reflect the impact of climate change in federal rulemaking. [January 27, 2021]

18. Re-established the Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases to account for the full costs of GHG emissions. [January 27, 2021]

19. Revoked the Presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. [January 27, 2021]

20. Declared climate change “an essential element of U.S. foreign policy and national security.” [January 27, 2021]

21. Established the White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy. [January 27, 2021]

22. Established the National Climate Task Force. [January 27, 2021]

23. Directed the Director of National Intelligence to prepare a National Intelligence Estimate on the security implications of climate change. [January 27, 2021]

24. Directed agencies to procure clean, carbon-pollution-free electricity. [January 27, 2021]

25. Directed agencies to procure clean zero-emissions vehicles. [January 27, 2021]

26. Directed agencies to develop a plan to increase resiliency of their facilities and operations to the impacts of climate change. [January 27, 2021]

27. Began a review of oil and gas leasing on public lands. [January 27, 2021]

28. Called for a plan to double offshore wind energy production by 2030. [January 27, 2021]

29. Directed agencies to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies. [January 27, 2021]

30. Set a commitment of conserving at least 30 percent of our lands and oceans by 2030. [January 27, 2021]

31. Called for the establishment of a Civilian Climate Corps to put Americans to work conserving and restoring public lands and waters. [January 27, 2021]

32. Directed the Secretary of Agriculture to work with farmers, ranchers, and other stakeholders to develop climate-smart agricultural practices. [January 27, 2021]

33. Established an Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization. [January 27, 2021]

34. Started development of an updated Climate and Environmental Justice Screening Tool to identify disadvantaged communities and inform equitable decision making. [January 27, 2021]

35. Directed agencies to make evidence-based decisions guided by the best available science and data. [January 27, 2021]

36. Re-established the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. [January 27, 2021]

37. Mentioned the need to raise climate ambitions in a message to the African Union Summit. [February 7, 2021]

38. Called for action on climate change at the Munich Security Conference. [February 19, 2021]

39. Discussed climate change with Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada. [February 23, 2021]

40. Announced more than $260 million in funding to support job-creating reclamation efforts in coal country. [March 1, 2021]

41. Revoked a Trump-era rule that limited the use of science in policy-making at the Department of Interior. [March 3, 2021]

42. Announced $115 million in funding opportunities for small businesses pursuing clean energy research and development. [March 4, 2021]

43. Created a Climate Working Group at The Department of Defense. [March 10, 2021]

44. Advanced a solar development on Native land in southern Nevada. [March 12, 2021]

45. Discussed climate change with the “Quad” group with heads of state from India, Japan, and Australia. [March 12, 2021]

46. Discussed climate change with Prime Minister Martin of Ireland. [March 17, 2021]

47. Restored information about climate change on the EPA’s website that had been scrubbed by the previous administration. [March 18, 2021]

48. Declared the U.S. would join the U.N. Security Council’s Group of Friends on Climate and Society. [March 19, 2021]

49. Awarded $27.5 million to 16 teams working to decarbonize u.s. water infrastructure. [March 22, 2021]

50. Announced an accounting of political interference in science at the EPA under the previous administration. [March 24, 2021]

51. Announced $128 million in new initiatives to improve solar energy. [March 25, 2021]

52. Set a target to cut the cost of solar electricity by 60% within the next 10 years. [March 25, 2021]

53. Announced $8 million for 15 new offshore wind research and development (R&D) projects. [March 29, 2021]

54. Announced an interagency plan to deploy 30 gigawatts (30,000 megawatts) of offshore wind by 2030, creating nearly 80,000 jobs. [March 29, 2021]

55. Announced $249 million in funding for Gulf Coast coastal conservation and restoration projects, hurricane protection programs, and resilience management. [March 30, 2021]

56. Announced Interior Department plan to create nearly 19,000 jobs through improvement projects in national parks, wildlife refuges and Bureau of Indian Education schools. [April 2, 2021]

57. Stepped up enforcement of environmental laws. [April 7, 2021]

58. Called on Congress to pass the American Jobs Plan, which would invest in clean infrastructure. [April 7, 2021]

59. Announced a $35 million funding opportunity to develop technologies to reduce methane emissions. [April 8, 2021]

60. Increased the portions of the President’s Budget request to tackle the climate crisis by $14 billion across the entire federal government. [April 9, 2021]

61. Announced $35 billion in funding to develop technologies to reduce methane emissions in the oil, gas and coal industries through an ARPA-E program called REMEDY (Reducing Emissions of Methane Every Day of the Year). [April 12, 2021]

62. Announced $1 billion in grants to fund infrastructure projects that can demonstrate improvements to racial equity, reduce impacts of climate change and create good-paying jobs. [April 13, 2021]

63. Awarded a $49 million loan to Florida Keys to enhance climate resilience of drinking water systems. [April 15, 2021]

64. Announced $162 million in funding opportunities aimed at electrifying freight trucking. [April 15, 2021]

65. Discussed climate change with Prime Minister Suga of Japan. [April 16, 2021]

66. Forged an agreement with China to combat climate change “with the seriousness and urgency that it demands.” [April 17, 2021]

67. Created a new Climate Hub and Climate Counselor within the Department of the Treasury [April 19, 2021]

68. Freed up roughly $8 billion in disaster relief funding for Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. [April 19, 2021]

69. Awarded $10.5 million in grants to reduce diesel school bus emissions and electrify California school buses. [April 20, 2021]

70. Announced plans to help 11 remote and island communities adopt clean energy solutions. [April 20, 2021]

71. Announced $10 billion in competitive grant funds to better integrate urban planning with transit and climate priorities. [April 21, 2021]

72. Appointed the first Chief Science Officer at the Department of Transportation in over 40 years. [April 21, 2021]

73. Created an interagency Drought Relief Working Group to address the growing threat of water shortages in the West. [April 21, 2021]

74. Announced $78 million in grants to conserve or restore nearly 500,000 acres of wetland, to be matched by nearly $125 million in partner funds. [April 21, 2021]

75. Announced grant opportunities for funding to expand electric vehicle charging stations. [April 22, 2021]

76. Set a new target to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. [April 22, 2021]

77. Persuaded South Korea to halt state-backed financing of coal-fired power plants overseas. [April 22, 2021]

78. Identified nearly $38 billion in existing federal funding that could be accessed by energy communities for infrastructure, environmental remediation, union job creation, and community revitalization efforts. [April 23, 2021]

79. Announced a plan to complete climate exposure assessments on all major U.S. military installations within 12 months and all major installations outside the continental U.S. within 24 months. [April 23, 2021]

80. Launched the Black Carbon Health Assessment in Indigenous Arctic Communities project to study Indigenous Arctic communities’ exposure to emissions from cooking stoves, diesel engines, and wood burning stoves. [April 23, 2021]

81. Hosted a summit of world leaders to discuss commitments to combat climate change. [April 23, 2021]

82. Established a cooperative forum with the energy ministries from Canada, Norway, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia (collectively 40% of the world’s oil and gas production). [April 23, 2021]

83. Created the U.S.-India Climate and Clean Energy Agenda 2030 Partnership to help India reach its goal of 450 GW of renewable energy by 2030. [April 23, 2021]

84. Announced a plan to triple the U.S.’s international climate adaptation finance by 2024. [April 23, 2021]

85. Announced a plan to to double the U.S.’s annual international public climate finance to developing countries by 2024. [April 23, 2021]

86. Created a Global Climate Ambition Initiative in the Department of State and USAID to coordinate U.S. government efforts to support countries around the world to enhance and meet their climate goals in ways that further their national development priorities. [April 23, 2021]

87. Rejoined the United Nations Foundation’s Clean Cooking Alliance to reduce global GHG emissions from home cooking and heating. [April 23, 2021]

88. Announced an initial allocation of $1 million for an Environmental Justice and Climate Resilience Initiative with partners in Canada and Mexico. [April 23, 2021]

89. Launched a Green Government Initiative with Canada, which will lead by example in developing and implementing climate action plans that increase the resilience of and mitigate emissions from national government operations and real property. [April 23, 2021]

90. Committed The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to investing over 50% of its $800 million budget to climate-related investments and help countries transition away from fossil fuels. [April 23, 2021]

91. Committed The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) to achieve a net-zero investment portfolio by 2040 (the earliest of any G7 development finance institution), and to make at least one-third of all its new investments have a climate nexus beginning in FY 2024. [April 23, 2021]

92. Launched a partnership with India to speed up clean energy deployment. [April 23, 2021]

93. Joined the United Kingdom in a public-private consortium to reduce emission from the power sector. [April 23, 2021]

94. Announced plans to host ministerial conferences with Mission Innovation to advance clean energy technologies. [April 23, 2021]

95. Scaled up technical assistance to countries participating in the Renewable Energy for Latin America and the Caribbean (RELAC) initiative, a regional effort led by Colombia, Chile, and Costa Rica to increase renewable energy capacity to at least 70 percent by 2030. [April 23, 2021]

96. Joined the Zero Emission Vehicle Transition Council, a coalition of governments representing more than half of new vehicle sales globally that is dedicated to accelerating the global transition to zero emission vehicles. [April 23, 2021]

97. Launched the Global Partnership for Climate-Smart Infrastructure  to connect U.S. industry to major energy and transportation infrastructure investments in emerging markets. [April 23, 2021]

98. Joined Canada, the European Union, and Chile to launch the Empowering People initiative at the Clean Energy Ministerial this June, advancing the international dialogue on helping energy workers and communities address the challenges and equitably capitalize on the opportunities associated with this transition. [April 23, 2021]

99. Announced plans to quadruple clean energy innovation funding over the next four years. [April 23, 2021]

100. Started the process to reconsider allowing California to set stronger emissions standards again. [April 26, 2021]