Washington, D.C. – For the second night in a row, Democrats made action on climate a centerpiece of the Democratic National Convention. Twenty speakers, from a diverse array of communities, highlighted the need for and promise of bold climate action.

Tonight’s theme is “A More Perfect Union.” And a more perfect union means tackling climate change.

The primetime programming includes a conversation with young climate activists who will “talk about how they’re taking control of their future, and why they need a president like Joe Biden who will work with them,” according to the Biden campaign.

The programming will also include remarks on climate from New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and a video narrated by an IBEW union worker from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania that explores Joe Biden’s plan to combat climate change and secure a clean-energy future. This focus on climate shows climate’s importance in 2020, and puts climate action on par with health care, combatting the coronavirus, and the economy as major issues campaigns know will move voters this year.

A July Climate Power 2020 poll found that voters, especially young and Latino voters, overwhelmingly support bold government action to combat climate change. And those voters are key to victory for Joe Biden and other candidates up and down the ticket in races across the country.

Today is also the day America will be introduced to a climate action champion: vice-presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris. Sen. Harris puts science first, acknowledges the magnitude of the climate crisis, and she has never been afraid to stand up to fossil fuel special interests. She is also a leader on environmental justice and has vowed to make it a central part of any plan to address the climate crisis.

Interested in Connecting with a Political Expert or Activist? We have a number of political, climate, and environmental justice advocates and experts available to connect to discuss the importance of climate change in the 2020 elections and contrast the climate and environmental records of President Trump and those of Joe Biden and Sen. Harris. You can find a list of experts and activists here.


About Last Night – Climate Across America