April’s Biggest Fool: Donald Trump 🤡

Trump, whose near-broke campaign is relying on more Big Oil money to survive, was the worst president for the environment in U.S. history and promises to kill climate progress if elected

Washington, D.C. — The first day of April marks the first day of Earth Month, a time to raise environmental awareness and kick-start action to protect our planet. Let’s be clear: President Joe Biden has done more than any other U.S. president to protect our environment and invest in a transition to clean and renewable energy that we know is required to mitigate our climate crisis. 

On the other hand, Donald Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, is April Fools’ Day’s biggest joke. Donald Trump, a notorious climate denier, was the worst president for the environment in U.S. history. His dangerous actions fueled the current climate crisis and killed jobs. From reminding voters he’ll reverse President Biden’s historic actions and double down on lining the pockets of Big Oil CEOs who are supporting his flailing campaign, to linking his pro-Big Oil agenda with saving donuts, he’s proven that he’ll kill our climate progress the second he gets elected. Climate Power’s communications director, Alex Glass, today released the following statement:

“Communities across America are reaping the benefits of President Biden’s clean energy investments in new jobs, lowered energy costs, and cleaner air and water. During Trump’s presidency, he put Big Oil CEOs and their companies first – giving them tax breaks, allowing them to pollute our air and water, and stacking his administration with fossil fuel lobbyists. He’d do it again in a second term. For anyone who cares about the climate crisis, Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cruel joke. Americans won’t be fooled into voting for a notorious climate denier and Big Oil apologist in 2024.” 

Top Foolish and Dangerous Actions Donald Trump’s Presidency Wrought on for our Planet: