“Our Moment” and “Win the Race” Show Urgent Need to Create Clean Energy Jobs to Help the Economy and the Climate

Washington, D.C. – This week, Climate Power released two new ads, “Our Moment” and “Win the Race,” both focused on the urgent need to make transformational investments in clean energy and create millions of good-paying union jobs. As Congress prepares to go on recess this week, and following President Biden’s trip to Ford’s Rouge Electric Vehicle plant in Dearborn, Michigan last week, it is vital to meet the moment and invest in a future built in America. And that future is dependent on big, bold climate action and investments in infrastructure like electric vehicles.

The ads will air in D.C., on national cable, and online as part of a seven-figure buy over the next two weeks.

“As President Biden said in Michigan last week, ‘doing nothing is not an option,’ and the time has come to turn plans into action and invest in clean energy solutions like manufacturing electric vehicles in the U.S.,” said Climate Power executive director Lori Lodes. “We are seeing more and more extreme climate events around the world, and climate change will not wait for stalled Congressional action. With the American Jobs Plan, President Biden has positioned America to win the climate race, and it’s time for Congress to get onboard and get to work for a clean energy future made in America.”

Our Moment” shows that young people are key to a clean energy future and are committed to climate action amid the crisis created from years of ignoring science and failing to act on climate. It also reminds us of the unprecedented opportunity we have as a country to invest in good-paying, clean energy jobs and make communities across the country safer, healthier, and more prosperous.

Win the Race” highlights President Biden’s commitments to creating millions of clean energy jobs and making sure the United States is, not only competitive, but a leader in 21st century clean energy manufacturing in order to solve the climate crisis.

Recent polling from Data For Progress found the American Jobs Plan and its key climate and energy components remain popular with a bipartisan majority of voters. 72 percent of respondents support the government making investments to create clean energy jobs and nearly two-thirds of voters (62 percent) believe ambitious climate and clean energy investments should remain in the American Jobs Plan.

The full script for “Our Moment” is below:

The world we’re inheriting… it’s in crisis.
We got here after years of bad policies, climate deniers, polluters, lobbyists.
But now .. finally, we have a moment.
A President who gets it.
Real leadership in Congress.
It’s our moment to tackle climate change.
And invest in clean energy jobs.
This is about OUR future.
Because, if we don’t stand up
If they don’t act …
If we let this moment pass us by…
We will NEVER get it back.

The full script for “Win the Race” is below:

The world is racing
To create the clean energy jobs
That will solve the climate crisis
President Biden – has a plan to make sure America wins that race.
“Doing nothing is not an option. The world is not waiting.”
“If we act to save the planet, we can create millions of good paying jobs.”
“And I also want to put the world on notice, America is back.”
“The competition of the 21st Century, the future, will be built right here in America.”
“Doing nothing is not an option.”