As Georgians Struggle to Pay Soaring Energy Prices, Kemp Turns a Blind Eye to Corporate Greed & Offers No Solutions

ATLANTA, Ga. – Last night, during the only debate in the race for governor of Georgia, Governor Kemp failed to offer any meaningful solutions to an issue at the forefront of voters’ concerns: rising energy prices. In fact, he didn’t even mention this crisis, revealing just how out of touch he is with his constituents. While Kemp seemed to fish for praise by repeatedly bringing up his suspension of the gas tax, he failed to mention that this temporary political move will not address the underlying causes of rapidly rising energy prices, chief among them: corporate greed and the inherent volatility of fossil fuel markets. In fact, Kemp made no attempt to provide details on how he would save Georgia families money if given a second term. 

Georgians are already feeling the strain of increasing energy costs and now they are bracing for yet another hike as Georgia Power puts shareholder value ahead of consumer well-being. Georgia Power seeks to increase household utility bills by 11.4% over the next three years, straining Black, Brown, and low-income communities who already face a high household energy burden. All five members of the Georgia Public Service Commission, which is tasked with oversight, endorse Kemp in his reelection bid, showing their allegiance to him trumps their willingness to combat price-gouging and protect consumers.

new federal report predicts home heating prices to reach new highs this winter, with electricity expected to rise 10% and heating oil and gas facing 27% and 28% increases, respectively. Yet, Kemp, who has taken at least $450,825 from the oil and gas industry during his career total, has been largely silent on this issue.

In addition to offering no relief, Kemp has been an outspoken critic of the Inflation Reduction, which will offer much-needed cost savings for Georgia families by incentivizing and expanding affordable clean energy and much more: