Biden Debuts First Climate-Only TV Spot in Presidential Campaign Cycle, as Climate is on the Air Across Senate and House Battlegrounds

Washington, D.C. — The climate crisis is real and it’s happening right now. A summer of deadly climate fires, supercharged hurricanes, derechos, and other climate-fueled extreme weather events has put climate change at the center of the debate heading into the home stretch of the election. As daily life for people across the country has been upended and the cost of science denial has become all too apparent, voters are citing growing concerns about climate change and are demanding bold action.

Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris call climate change one of the four major crises that the country is facing. Proving once again 2020 will be a climate change election, TV ads on climate, the environment, and conservation are playing a significant role in key races.

It’s not surprising candidates and third-party groups in key races are running ads focused on climate and environment. An April Yale Program on Climate Change Communication survey found voters are 55 percent less likely to vote for a candidate at the top of the ticket who opposes taking action on climate and moderate Republicans are 35 percentage points less likely to vote for a presidential candidate opposing action. In addition, climate is an issue that is key to winning over and motivating younger voters, Latinos, and suburban women (including Republican-leaning independents). Climate, clean energy, and conservation are all issues that will help candidates assemble the coalitions they need to win.

Here’s a look at some of the ads that were on the air from September 23-30 (with a couple of notable exceptions). 


This week, Biden ran an ad focused solely on climate change. The ad, “Cherries,” focuses on the impact of climate change on farmers and agriculture. The ad is running in the Traverse City-Cadillac media market, an area Donald Trump swept in 2016.

The Biden campaign is running “Our Chance,” which includes climate change as a top priority under a Biden administration. Biden is also airing “Made in America,” which mentions clean energy and combating climate change. Earlier in the cycle and during the primary, Biden ran three additional ads that mentioned climate: “Bones,” “Stakes,” and “Imagine.

While the Trump campaign is running ads in English attacking Joe Biden on climate and clean energy issues, surprisingly, it is currently running an ad in Spanish in Florida claiming credit for creating good-paying green jobs in Puerto Rico.


Four weeks out from Election Day, Senate candidates across the battleground are running a number of ads on clean energy, climate, and environmental/conservation issues:

Earlier this month, Steve Bullock ran three ads on the environment in his race to pick-up the Montana Senate seat, including, “Better Than You Found It” and his children, “Caroline/Alex“, talking about hiking, public lands, hunting, and fishing. Despite a lifetime score of 6% from LCV, Steve Daines has run multiple ads touting his alleged support for public lands.

Additionally, in Michigan, Gary Peters (D-MI) ran an ad about PFAS Contamination featuring a woman praising his work on PFAS and “Resources” on the Great Lakes.

Third-party groups are also running a number of spots in key Senate races, including:


In the fight to preserve the pro-climate majority in the House, climate and conservation also feature prominently in a number of key races:

This release was updated to reflect the fact that Biden was not the first presidential candidate to run a climate ad in a general election race.