Washington, D.C. — The Democratic National Convention has put climate on the center stage. Yesterday, leaders like Sen. Bernie Sanders and First Lady Michelle Obama emphasized the opportunities to be gained from bold action on climate: creating millions of jobs, saving our future from certain destruction, and dismantling systemic racism.

Tonight’s theme is “Leadership Matters.”

Democrats are putting forward individuals who are leading the fight for bold climate action and addressing longstanding environmental justice issues, including former Sec. of State John Kerry, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Stacey Abrams, and Pennsylvania State Representative Malcolm Kenyatta.

On Tuesday, the Biden campaign announced four speakers are joining the lineup to underscore that to Democrats, this is a climate election. They include Alaskan veteran and fisherman Chuck Degnan, Sec. Hilda Solis and Rep. Barbara Lee, and Idaho Mayor Lauren McLean.

In addition to Rep. Kenyatta and Ms. Abrams, tonight’s Keynote will feature 15 young elected leaders from all over the country sharing their ideas and perspectives for addressing our country’s challenges. Younger voters, especially younger voters of color, are a key voting bloc, and bold action on climate is one the keys to motivating young people to turn out and vote up and down the ticket.

There is a reason for this intense focus on climate. The politics of climate have changed and Joe Biden needs climate voters to show up in November if he hopes to win the White House.

A July Climate Power 2020 poll found that voters, especially young and Latino voters, overwhelmingly support bold government action to combat climate change. These voters would vote for a Democrat who supports taking such action over a Republican who does not by 24 points, outpacing the standard generic ballot by 14 points.

Don’t Miss Karen Bass. Congresswoman Karen Bass, the chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, filmed a video with Climate Power 2020 highlighting the alarming connection between climate change and the high rate of pollution in Black and Brown communities. Watch on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Youtube.

Interested in Connecting with a Climate Expert? We have a number of political, climate, and environmental justice advocates and experts available to connect to discuss the importance of climate change in the 2020 elections and contrast the climate and environmental records of President Trump and those of Joe Biden and Sen. Harris. You can find a list of experts and activists here.