Washington, D.C. – Today, Climate Power 2020 announced its Creative Council, a coalition of entertainers, influencers, and activists who will play a key role in the campaign’s fight to change the politics of climate.

By elevating the climate crisis in national conversations and aggressively putting the Trump administration on defense for selling our future to his special interest friends, Climate Power 2020 will build the momentum necessary for bold action in 2021.

Members of the Creative Council Advisory Board include: 

Environmental activist, and sustainability expert Ashley Renne, actress, producer, and activist Connie Britton, actress and activist Debra Messing,  executive director and founder of OneMillionOfUs, co-editor-in-chief at The Climate Reporter, and former congressional intern for Congressman John Lewis Jerome Foster II, founder and executive director of OneUpAction Kevin J. Patel, Intersectional Environmental Activist, eco-communicator, and founder of the Intersectional Environmentalist Platform Leah Thomas, actress, singer, and activist Mj Rodriguez, actress and activist Piper Perabo, actor, producer, and activist Rosanna Arquette, activist, entrepreneur, and Miss Black America Ryann Richardson, entrepreneur, advocate, and co-founder of Future Earth Stephanie Shepherd, climate justice activist Vic Barrett, climate justice activist Xiye Bastida, and actress, singer, songwriter and activist Zooey Deschanel.

“It’s incredibly important for us to join forces and work toward a better future for our planet. And we need to take action right now before the consequences of climate change are irreversible. The polluters we are up against are not as powerful as growing collective action working toward change in our country,” said Environmental Activist and Sustainability Expert Ashley Renne. “I’m proud to join Climate Power 2020 in ensuring that climate action is a top priority.”

The devastating impact of increasingly frequent wildfires, hurricanes, droughts, you name it, affects us all. But those who suffer the most severe consequences of climate change are vulnerable, poverty-stricken communities,” said Actress, Producer, and Activist Connie Britton. “And many of those who are the hardest-hit are also the least prepared to withstand and respond to climate disasters. That’s why I am joining forces with Climate Power 2020 to fight for a cleaner, safer future for everyone. Everywhere.”

“It’s terrifying to see that despite all the warning signs of climate change, Donald Trump and his GOP allies continue to stand by and do nothing. So many Americans are losing their homes, lives, and financial security to disasters,” said Actress and Activist Debra Messing. “Thousands are dying. Now more than ever, we need leaders we can count on to do the right thing. That’s why I’m proud to be working with Climate Power 2020 to prioritize bold climate action.”

“President Trump and his greedy political allies are robbing Americans of our health and security while also putting our most vulnerable communities at risk by weakening environmental policies. My generation knows that our future is at stake and we’re not afraid to fight back against the spineless politicians that have chosen to turn their backs on Americans for their own personal profit,” said Kevin Patel, Founder and Executive Director of OneUpAction. “I’m proud to join Climate Power 2020 in holding these science-deniers accountable and calling for immediate action to combat the climate crisis.”

“The climate movement will not succeed unless we acknowledge and address the systemic environmental racism that is disproportionately affecting Black Americans. Our communities are losing their health, homes, financial security, and often their lives to pollution and climate disasters, and the Trump administration’s racist environmental policies have only exacerbated the situation,” said Intersectional Environmental Activist, Eco-Communicator, and founder of the Intersectional Environmentalist Platform Leah Thomas. “My generation isn’t afraid to stand up to corrupt polluters and their enablers in our government and call for an end to these injustices. I’m proud to work with Climate Power 2020 to ensure that we have inclusive, intersectional climate action.”

“Our president’s environmental racism is exacerbating harm to communities of melanin complexion, by rewarding fossil fuel CEOs on the backs of Black, Latina, Hispanic, and indigenous people,” said Actress, Singer, and Activist Mj Rodriguez. “He is fueling a sustained attack on the communities that already face significantly higher rates of pollution, asthma, cancer, and death. Much more than white communities do. He has empowered the CEOs who endanger MELANIN LIVES with toxic air, water, and chemicals.”

“The climate crisis cannot wait until we are ready. We must take action now. Every one of us has a responsibility to use our voices and take action to fight climate change — future generations depend on it,” said Actress and Activist Piper Perabo. “The climate crisis is getting worse every moment and we need to take action now. That starts with holding Donald Trump and other anti-science leaders accountable for ignoring experts, turning our government over to big oil execs, and gutting public health protections. I hope you will join me and Climate Power 2020 in committing to a better future.”

It’s time we listen to science and do everything we can to clean up the mess we’ve left on our lands, in our oceans, and in the air we breathe. We also have to clean up the mess we have in Washington and ensure Donald Trump and anti-science account for their negligence. Please. Do it for our children and our children’s children,” said Actress, Producer, and Activist Rosanna Arquette. “Without action, we shall all perish. It IS that dire. That’s why it’s called a climate emergency. I’m proud to join Climate Power 2020 in calling attention to the urgency of this moment.”

“This President continually demonstrates an utter lack of regard for Black lives. He obsesses over protecting monuments to racist Confederates who chose treason over losing their right to own actual human beings, all while promoting violence against Black Americans and championing policies that distinctly harm us,” said Activist, Entrepreneur, and Miss Black America Ryann Richardson. “Even in the midst of a global health pandemic, he has been green-lighting orders to relax pollution regulations,  giving corporate interests carte blanche to further poison predominantly Black communities. This President is actively working every day to fortify systemic racism in our country, placing America -once again- on the wrong side of history. I’m proud to stand with Climate Power 2020 to demand the just, moral leadership our nation needs.”

Climate change impacts all of us and it’s up to everyone to use their voice, their dollar and most importantly their vote to fight to build a more sustainable world,” said Entrepreneur, Advocate, Co-founder of Future Earth Stephanie Shepherd. “I’m proud to be working with Climate Power 2020 to ensure we take bold action.”

“When it comes to fighting climate change, the stakes are higher than ever. We need unprecedented action on every level – from local grassroots activists to state leaders to Washington politicians. We need to give the microphone to the historically marginalized communities who hold the solutions that truly meet the challenge of protecting our future,” said Climate Justice Activist Vic Barrett. “We need to prioritize not just climate action, but climate justice – ensuring that the changes we implement empower and include vulnerable populations and communities of color. I believe that we can accomplish a safer, cleaner future together which is why I’m proud to join Climate Power 2020.”

“The climate crisis is hurting so many people, especially vulnerable communities, and it’s time for us to come together and work towards a better future. We need to cultivate a government that prioritizes climate action and makes changes in our personal lives to be kinder to this planet we call home,” said Actress, Singer, Songwriter, and Activist Zooey Deschanel. “I’m excited to be joining Climate Power 2020 in fighting against climate change and for a better future.”

Two-thirds of the country, according to polling from Yale University, are concerned about climate change and think President Donald Trump and Congress should do more to address the climate crisis. Yet Trump and his congressional allies are ignoring experts, refusing to believe in science, surrendering our government to big oil executives, and gutting public health protections — all at the expense of future generations.

In addition to the Creative Council, Climate Power 2020 is proud to announce that Center for Earth Energy and Democracy Program Coordinator Say Yang, National Chair of the Democratic National Committee’s Council on the Environment and Climate Crisis Michelle Regalado Deatrick, activist and former member of the Hawaii House of Representatives Kaniela Ing, Former Director Utility Department IBEW and Former President Unions for Jobs and Environmental Progress Jim Hunter, and president and CEO of NDN Collective Nick Tilsen have also joined Climate Power 2020’s Advisory Board.

These leaders join an already formidable collection of Advisory Board members, including the Founder of Fair Fight and the Southern Economic Advancement Project Stacey AbramsRhiana Gunn-Wright, Co-Author of the Green New Deal,  Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Founder/CEO, Ocean Collectiv, Former Secretary of State John Kerry, Climate Strike Partnerships Coordinator at the Future Coalition and Co-Founder of the International Indigenous Youth Council Thomas Lopez, Former Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, Former Senator Harry Reid, Investor, Philanthropist, and Founder of NextGen America Tom Steyer, Varshini Prakash, Executive Director, and Co-Founder, Sunrise Movement, and Jamal Raad, Co-Founder and Campaign Director, Evergreen Action, among others.