December 17, 2021

Contact: Jason Phelps,

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In response to the timing of Build Back Better Act,  Lori Lodes, Climate Power executive director, issued the following statement:

“Going home for the holiday recess should only serve as a reminder to Senators of why the Build Back Better Act needs to get done immediately. People are feeling the impacts of a changing climate now more than ever. Failure to act is not an option. The Build Back Better Act is our last best chance to take on the climate crisis that is driving the unprecedented extreme weather and the high energy costs straining our families. It will create millions of good paying jobs, lower costs, and invest in communities of color on the frontlines of environmental injustice. As soon as the Senate gets back to DC, they need to get the bill over the finish line and deliver the economic relief and climate action the American people want and need.”

The Climate Crisis is Real and It’s Here. 

Extreme weather affected nearly every community this year, high energy costs are stressing family budgets, pollution continues to choke the lungs of America’s most vulnerable people – especially Black, Brown and Indigenous communities –, and fossil fuel CEO’s are cashing in as their industry stretches the environment to the brink. Every day that goes by, the climate crisis grows worse. 

The consequences of climate inaction are real. The human and economic costs rise every single week the Build Back Better Act does not pass. Here is a snapshot of the average weekly costs of inaction: