Climate Power Statement on House Republicans’ Vote to Thwart American Progress on Clean Energy Jobs and Lowered Fuel Costs

Big Oil’s Supporters in Congress Vote to Put China in the Driver’s Seat 

Washington, D.C. –  In response to today’s House vote on a Congressional Review Act motion of disapproval regarding electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and Buy America restrictions, Climate Power senior advisor Alex Wall issued the following statement:

“MAGA Republicans in the House remain focused on one goal: padding Big Oil’s profits at the expense of American workers and consumers. Today’s vote would actually open the floodgates for Chinese products and preclude Buy America protections championed by President Biden. 

“President Biden’s clean energy plan is lowering energy costs for consumers and has already created over 211,000 clean energy jobs, including 38,635 electric vehicle jobs and 102,229 battery jobs. 

“But just as American companies are investing in job creation and lowering costs, Big Oil apologists in Congress are pushing votes to put China in the driver’s seat. Today’s motion by Congressional Republicans would stop that progress dead in its tracks, and make families more beholden than ever to the greed of Big Oil.”