Climate Power Statement on House Republicans Voting to Help Big Oil, Again

Washington, D.C. – In response to the House vote to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from implementing climate pollution standards that would slash dangerous emissions from light-duty cars and trucks, Climate Power senior advisor Alex Wall issued the following statement:

“MAGA Republicans in Congress remain focused on one goal: killing our Made in America clean energy jobs boom in order to fatten Big Oil’s profits. Every attack on the clean energy plan is another gift to China and fossil fuel CEOs, and today’s vote is more of the same. The climate pollution standards that MAGA Republicans voted to block today will not only save lives, they will save consumers money by making gas-powered vehicles more efficient and encouraging the transition to vehicles that eliminate pain at the pump altogether. 

“President Biden’s clean energy plan is lowering energy costs for consumers and has already created over 211,000 clean energy jobs, including 38,635 electric vehicle jobs and 102,229 new battery jobs. This MAGA-backed motion would stop that progress dead in its tracks, and make families more beholden than ever to the greed of Big Oil. Adding insult to injury, the motion’s sponsor, Rep. Tim Walberg, has seen 2,775 new clean energy jobs and $3.7 billion in investments flow into his own district thanks to the clean energy plan he’s hellbent on repealing.”