Climate Power Statement on Trump’s Visit to Non-Union Facility in Michigan

Trump’s Record is Full of Lost Jobs, Closed Plants, and Broken Promises

Detroit, MI – Today, Donald Trump will visit a non-union shop in Michigan, a state that saw job losses and plant closures on his watch. As the president of the UAW has said, a second Trump term would be a ‘disaster’ for American workers. During his presidency, Trump attacked workers and their collective bargaining rights, and even suggested moving auto production out of Michigan to lower-wage, anti-union states. While President Biden is the first president to walk a picket line in solidarity with striking workers, Trump was the first president to have a bank account in China. 

“At every turn, Donald Trump looked out for wealthy CEOs and turned his back on American workers,” said Saumya Narechania, managing director for states at Climate Power. “His abysmal record is full of broken promises, lies, lost jobs, and closed plants. Repealing President Biden’s clean energy plan, as Trump has pledged to do, would kill hundreds of thousands of jobs in Michigan and across the country. Ending our Made in America clean energy boom would only benefit China at the expense of American workers and consumers.” 

Michigan is leading all other states in the nation’s clean energy boom, with 24 new projects announced since the Inflation Reduction Act was passed just over a year ago. Clean energy investments have already spurred $21.03 billion in investment and helped create or move forward over 15,800 good-paying clean energy jobs in the state.