Climate Power: We Must Elect More Democrats to Stop MAGA Supreme Court’s Far Right Fringe Reign

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Lori LodesExecutive Director of Climate Power, released the following statement on the Supreme Court hearing Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency, which is set to determine the future of the Clean Water Act:

“Let’s be clear: this isn’t a case about a singular household and property rights, but rather a decades-long coordinated push by fossil fuel corporations and their Republican allies in Congress to gut necessary environmental protections that keep our water pollution free. MAGA Republicans have taken over the court and they are determined to take away our fundamental rights to be safe and healthy—just like we saw with West Virginia v. EPA.

“We’ve seen the damage that’s been done by MAGA Republicans having a majority in Congress—from voting against historic climate legislation like the IRA, to propping up climate deniers, and confirming far right MAGA Supreme Court Justices who are hell bent on protecting polluters at the expense of people’s health and well-being.

“Every single Democratic member of Congress voted to take climate seriously by passing the Inflation Reduction Act. The Supreme Court is a political body and the only way to stop the MAGA Supreme Court’s reign is by electing more Democrats who will champion climate progress. Make no mistake: climate and our right to be safe and healthy is on the ballot this November.”