Washington, D.C. – Today, Joe Biden announced that Kamala Harris has joined the Democratic ticket as the vice-presidential nominee – a recognition that climate justice and bold action are key priorities for voters in 2020.

Throughout her career, Senator Harris has advocated for policies that seek to protect our communities and help combat climate change. Harris co-authored legislation promoting environmental justice and has a long history of prosecuting industries and individuals for environmental crimes, with a particular focus on abuses by fossil fuel companies. As vice president, Harris has pledged to continue fighting for our planet and communities of color disproportionately impacted by pollution and climate change.

“2020 is the defining moment for how our nation addresses the climate crisis. Vice President Biden’s decision to pick Kamala Harris as his running mate reflects his campaign’s commitment to making climate action a Day 1 priority in a Biden-Harris administration,” said Lori Lodes, Executive Director of Climate Power 2020. “Biden’s bold plan to build an equitable, clean energy economy coupled with Harris’s record sets up a clear contrast for voters between Trump and Pences’ years of climate denial, rejection of science, and advancement of an anti-environment agenda.”

With just three months until the election, polling has consistently found that climate, which was once thought of as a side issue or too far away to address, is now a top issue having a real effect on key races up and down the ballot – particularly when it comes to motivating younger voters and communities of color. A July Climate Power 2020 survey found that 71 percent of respondents favor bold government action on climate change. These findings are especially noteworthy as 41 percent of the voters sampled are Republican.