Copying Big Brother Exxon, Chevron Acquires Hess & Doubles Down on Climate Destruction

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Another week, another oil company pretending to care about the climate while making deals that invest even more in oil and gas, fueling the climate disaster. Chevron announced that it will buy Hess in a $53 billion deal, further tying itself to fossil fuels against scientists’ advice and the climate’s needs. In response to the deal, Climate Power senior advisor for oil and gas Alex Witt released the following statement: 

“Chevron has positioned itself as a lesser evil in comparison with Exxon, touting climate and net zero commitments to try to obscure its massive, deadly contributions to the climate crisis. Today’s news proves what we already knew – Chevron executives only care about the short-term, putting potential profits over the lives of families and the future of our planet. No amount of false promises from oil companies will change the truth: clean energy is the only way to build a future where energy is affordable, abundant, and secure.”