Democrats Close Convention Week With Climate Focus

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On the final night of the Democratic National Convention, Vice President Kamala Harris and leaders across the party talked about the climate stakes of this election and made it clear that Harris will continue our forward progress. Kamala Harris has spent her career fighting for clean air and water and taking on corporate polluters — including securing over $50 million for taxpayers in settlements from Big Oil. She’s ready to tackle the climate crisis head on and invest in a bright, clean energy future. 

“Tonight at the DNC, the stakes for climate in the 2024 election took center stage,” said Lori Lodes, Executive Director of Climate Power. “Democrats have taken bold action to meet the urgency of this moment – and Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote to triple clean energy production, reduce costs for families,  and revitalize communities across the country. From now until Election Day, we must make sure every American understands how climate action directly benefits their communities and how Trump’s Project 2025 agenda will make them less safe and jack up their energy costs. Let’s get to work.”

What Democratic National Convention speakers had to say about Vice President Harris’ commitment to the future of clean energy and our climate: