Donald Trump’s $1 Billion Big Oil Bonanza: Three Fundraisers In 24 hours with Big Oil CEOs After Promising Day One White House Wish List

WASHINGTON, DC – Donald Trump is spending his week on a nonstop fundraising tour, begging Big Fossil Fuel CEOs and their allies to pay his campaign $1 billion in exchange for their Day One White House wish list. Tuesday night, Trump held a fundraiser in New York City hosted by John Catsimatidis, head of the Red Apple Group and owner of United Refining Company, whose own refinery workers famously pay the highest gas prices in Pennsylvania, and who has faced over $10 million in penalties over wage and overtime violations

On Wednesday, Trump has a Cincinnati fundraiser hosted by Senator and potential Vice-Presidential candidate J.D. Vance, who became one of the largest recipients of Big Oil funding in Congress, after performing a full 180, disowning everything he ever said before running to win the 2022 Republican Senate primary that E&E news called a “competition to see who can align most closely with former President Trump — including his skepticism of climate change and policies to fight it.”  

Later tonight, he’s holding a fundraiser with Joe Craft, Republican National Committee Trust Chair and owner of Alliance Resource Partners, the largest coal producer in the eastern U.S., whose established record of paying back Trump and his staff goes back years, having donated more than $2 million to Trump’s candidacy and inauguration, and even going as far as to reward Trump’s EPA head Scott Pruitt with locker room access and prime seats to the Kentucky-Louisville rivalry basketball game, as thanks for what the New York Times called “a year of regulatory victories for Mr. Craft.”

Senior Advisor for Oil and Gas Alex Witt issued the following statement: “Donald Trump is so eager to collect his $1 billion from Big Oil CEOs that he’s sprinting across the country to collect their checks, holding three fundraisers in three different states over 24 hours so that he can collect their cash and promise to implement their Day One wishlist. He’s even capping off his whirlwind beg-a-thon with a fundraiser hosted by Joe Craft, who got a huge return on his $2 million investment in Trump’s first presidency, getting a repeal and postponements on laws to limit his company’s pollution.”