Extreme Weather In Pennsylvania Underscores Importance of President Biden’s Climate Plan

Harrisburg, PA – Residents of Pennsylvania are facing severe flooding near Pittsburgh, with several landmarks under several feet of water. In Montgomery and Delaware counties, two people were killed by trees that fell over during storms. Additionally, this morning’s 4.7 magnitude earthquake that struck New York and New Jersey could also be felt in parts of Pennsylvania. 

Despite the historic nature of these weather events and the dangers they pose for residents, Representatives Perry and Fitzpatrick remain focused on repealing President Biden’s climate  plan. Donald Trump has promised to eliminate the clean energy plan, and Republicans in Congress have already voted 31 times to repeal it. 

“Pennsylvanians deserve leaders who will take action on the climate crisis, protecting their health and safety rather than turning a blind eye to the increased prevalence of extreme weather events,” said Heather Hargreaves, Deputy Executive Director of Campaigns at Climate Power. “Climate fueled extreme weather is dangerous and costly. To counter the impact of these events, we should be investing in clean energy, which helps combat the climate crisis, while also creating jobs and saving Pennsylvanians money on utility bills.”  

The climate crisis is on full display in Pennsylvania and across the country, and Representatives Perry and Fitzpatrick are turning a blind eye. What’s worse, Congressional Republicans are doing everything in their power to undo President Biden’s clean energy plan – our nation’s biggest ever investment in tackling climate change. Since the landmark climate and clean energy investments became law in August 2022, there have been 523 new clean energy projects and $352 billion in new investments, creating over 271,000 new jobs. These projects are both charging the economy and helping tackle the climate crisis.

Pennsylvania has already received over $5.5 billion in funding from the clean energy plan. The legislation is putting Pennsylvania and the country on the path toward a thriving, clean energy economy, safer climate, and cleaner air and water. It’s time for Representatives Perry and Fitzpatrick to stop playing politics and prioritize the wellbeing of Pennsylvanians. 

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