Exxon Deepens Investment in Oil, Reversing Climate Promises

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, ExxonMobil announced a deal to buy Pioneer Natural Resources, highlighting its empty climate promises and plans to charge forward with deadly fossil fuels. It’s Exxon’s biggest acquisition since 1999 and sends a clear message that they’ll continue to prioritize profits regardless of their impact. In response to the news, Climate Power senior advisor for oil and gas Alex Witt released the following statement:

“Decades ago, Exxon knew its outsized and dangerous impact on our climate and the health of our communities. It’s no different now – they know that their multi-billion dollar investment in fossil fuel extraction exacerbates the climate crisis. As usual, they are putting profits over people, entirely comfortable with condemning millions to extreme weather, deadly health impacts from pollution, and price gouging at the pump. As long as Republicans in Congress stand with the industry, oil giants like Exxon will keep crossing the line.”