FACT CHECK: Trump and Vance’s War On Clean Energy is a War on U.S. Manufacturing

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN – On Day Three of the RNC, JD Vance continued to escalate attacks on the Biden-Harris administration’s historic clean energy plan and the made-in-America manufacturing boom it has incentivized, which has already created more than 300,000 jobs across the country. Vance’s incessant attacks tonight on clean energy sectors like wind, solar, and electric vehicles are really an attack on American manufacturers and consumers on behalf of his Big Oil funders.

FACT: President Biden’s clean energy plan has created more than 300,000 jobs – including jobs for more than 13,000 Ohioans in JD Vance’s home state – while lowering costs, expanding access to affordable energy choices, and closing corporate tax loopholes.

FACT: Donald Trump and JD Vance are threatening 300,000 American jobs. According to The New York Times, the Trump-Vance plan for “eliminating Mr. Biden’s climate policies would end up helping China, economists say.” 

FACT: Donald Trump left office with the worst jobs record for any President since Herbert Hoover.  

FACT: Despite his repeated lies about “saving” the U.S. auto industry, Trump surrendered the lead to China on electric vehicles. The U.S. auto industry lost more than 86,000 jobs under Donald Trump, including 10,000 jobs that were outsourced to other countries. GM, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler (now part of Stellantis), all closed factories under Trump.

FACT: Trump’s first-term attacks on clean energy cost Americans an estimated 1.1 million jobs; now Trump and Vance are plotting an “all-out war” on clean energy that would put $1 trillion of investment at risk.

FACT: Trump and Vance would eliminate EV tax credits that have already lowered costs for Americans with more than $1 billion in savings at the dealer.

FACT: Trump and Vance will gut pollution standards that have been embraced by the US auto industry and are set to provide nearly $100 billion in annual net benefits.