GOP Candidates Whiffed the Climate Question Last Debate – They’ll Likely Do It Again


WASHINGTON, D.C. – At the last GOP debate, climate was a disaster issue for the Republican candidates, all of whom came up short when a young Republican voter asked about their plans to address the issue. This time around, we’re expecting no different. Climate change will continue to be a pain point for Republicans, who are caught between a MAGA base that demands climate denial and a mainstream Republican electorate that broadly supports climate action and believes in climate change. 

During the debate, Vivek Ramaswamy claimed he wasn’t “bought and paid for” – which couldn’t be further from the truth –  while calling climate change a “hoax” to a chorus of boos from the audience. Ron DeSantis failed to land any of his attempted punches, and the rest of the candidates largely sidestepped an answer on whether or not climate change is real and how they’d address it. Our polling shows that everyone on that stage has misread their electorate. Denial won’t win them the election. 

Polling shows that climate matters to voters across the board: