Washington, D.C. — Today, during Deb Haaland’s confirmation hearing, oil and gas-backed Republicans worked overtime to wage false attacks against the Department of Interior nominee –  showing their blatant opposition to any progress toward a clean energy economy that will create good-paying union jobs.

Sens. Steve Daines, John Barrasso, and other oil and gas allies wrongly claimed that the Biden administration’s focus on transitioning toward a clean energy economy would hamper job growth  – ignoring the data that found investing in clean energy will create millions of good-paying, union jobs throughout the U.S., including in rural areas.

“As the consequences of the climate crisis grow ever more dire, Deb Haaland’s commitment to building a clean energy future will be an invaluable addition to President Biden’s Climate Cabinet. But instead of focusing on the solutions, Haaland has put forward to combat the crisis, the Republican Senators questioning her today focused on false science and debunked data in an attempt to undermine all climate progress,” said Lori Lodes, Climate Power’s executive director. “The hypocrisy of claiming to be the party of science when the GOP cannot even admit the science of climate change shows just how skewed their motivations are toward the profits of oil and gas instead of the people they were elected to serve.”

But these climate-denying Senators are completely unable to put forward good-faith arguments on the climate crisis — instead, today’s questions show a last-ditch effort by the oil and gas lobby, and those who benefit from their campaign donations, to stop any progress on climate action.

Haaland’s record of fighting for Sovereign Rights and the rights of Indian Country speaks volumes on her qualifications to lead the Interior Department. She is a fierce protector of public lands with a deep understanding of environmental justice and the issues facing Western communities. She’s pledged to put the peoples’ right to clean air, water, and public lands ahead of corporate profits and to champion the needs of the West and Indian Country.

“Deb Haaland is a bold leader and fierce climate justice champion who is exceptionally qualified to lead the Department of the Interior. Haaland’s respect for our natural resources and cultural heritage, dedication to the people and history of New Mexico, and giving a voice to Native American and frontline communities is the type of leadership we need,” said Lodes.

At Interior, Haaland’s leadership will mark a significant shift from the pro-polluting interests that reigned during the Trump era. She will advance a climate and economic agenda that will create millions of good-paying union jobs, uphold Tribal Sovereignty, and put the peoples’ right to clean air and water before the profits of oil and gas companies.

Follow the money and it’s clear that the Republicans attacking Haaland are parroting their oil and gas donors’ lies. 

Haaland, an enrolled member of the Pueblo of Laguna, is a historic nominee with exceptional qualifications to lead Interior.