The Build Back Better Act Will Make Transformational Investments in Clean Energy, Climate Justice

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. House of Representatives must vote today to pass the most significant climate and environmental justice bill in United States history. The Build Back Better Act meets the Climate Test by putting us on the path to cut pollution in half by 2030, while creating millions of good paying jobs, reducing costs for families, and investing directly in communities on the frontline of climate change. Voters, companies, climate advocates, and environmental justice groups expect Congress to deliver results immediately.

Lori Lodes, Executive Director of Climate Power, issued the following statement:

“The House must vote on the Build Back Better Act today. This is it. This is the climate vote. A vote against the Build Back Better Act will be a vote against climate action, environmental justice, and the future of our nation. Any member of Congress who cares about the climate, must vote yes today — vote yes to creating jobs, lowering costs and tackling the climate crisis. It’s time to get this done. Failure is not an option.” 

Earlier this week, Climate Power joined 30 leading climate and environmental justice groups in sending a letter to President Joe Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and every Democrat in the House & Senate calling on Congress to immediately pass both the Build Back Better Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.