ICYMI: Big Oil Prepping to Give Trump More Bail Money

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Donald Trump has been a convicted felon for less than 24 hours, and new reporting from Politico shows that Big Oil is busy making plans to help him out of this particular jam.  Big Oil has already spent millions on Trump’s campaign and legal defense, and now they want to send him even more cash. After all, what’s the harm in giving Trump a little more money when he’s ready to deliver a $110 billion payout in tax breaks?  

Politico: Former President Donald Trump’s most fervent supporters in the oil industry aren’t backing away from him despite his guilty verdict — even as some executives express weariness with his constant drama and nervousness over Democrats’ growing attacks on their businesses.

While a relatively small group of big-money oil executives are feeding millions of dollars to Trump’s reelection bid, the entire oil sector is stinging from the rhetorical and regulatory volleys that President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats are lobbing their way, six people in the industry told POLITICO. Those include Democratic lawmakers’ push for investigations into allegations that oil executives colluded to raise fuel prices and spent decades misleading the public about climate change.  

Thursday’s conviction has only increased support for the presumptive GOP nominee within the oil and gas industry, some of the people said — in large part, because they still view him as the likely winner in November’s election.” 

“So despite the discomfort of having to explain to international partners why they are backing a convicted felon, they still believe that Trump’s policies in a second term would make their business lives easier, one oil industry lawyer said in an email.”