ICYMI: Rep. Pappas, Alderwoman Fajardo, & NH Climate Leaders Highlight Local Benefits, Cost Savings of the Inflation Reduction Act

Inflation Reduction Act Complements State Climate Investments, Creating Clean Energy Jobs in Wisconsin, Saving People Money, and Cutting Emissions

Madison, Wisc. – This morning, State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, Mayor Cory Mason (Racine), State Sen. Chris Larson, State Rep. Greta Neubauer, and State Rep. Francesca Hong gathered to highlight the benefits of the historic clean energy and climate investments in the Inflation Reduction Act for Wisconsinites. The leaders mapped out how the Inflation Reduction Act will save families money, create good paying union jobs, and clean up decades of pollution that is hurting Wisconsin’s most vulnerable communities. 

The Inflation Reduction Act invests $370 billion to fight climate change and create good-paying union jobs by turbocharging Wisconsin’s already robust clean energy industry. Wisconsin is already a leader in clean energy jobs and the investments in this law will spur job growth in this sector, investing roughly $4 billion in large-scale clean power generation and storage to Wisconsin by 2030. These investments will be bolstered by incentives for strong labor conditions, ensuring good-paying jobs for the Wisconsin workers building the economy of the future. 

recent Marquette Law School poll found that 69% of Wisconsin voters are concerned, with 41% very concerned, about climate change. Among Democratic voters, climate change is the number one issue, underscoring just how much the politics of climate have changed and how support for climate action could shape key elections in Wisconsin this November.

Here are some highlights from the event: 

State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski highlighted how the Inflation Reduction Act will boost savings for individuals and families, cutting energy costs and funding clean energy projects and making sustainable energy sources more accessible across the state even as Republicans continue to resist progress. 

Mayor Cory Mason (Racine) discussed how the Inflation Reduction Act works on a local level, making investments in community resilience, saving families on energy costs, and addressing environmental injustices by ensuring every American benefits from this law, not just the ones who can afford to invest in clean energy. 

State Sen. Chris Larson talked about the significant benefits that the Inflation Reduction Act will bring to small businesses in Wisconsin, to workers in the state looking for good paying jobs, and for the clean energy future that Wisconsin is already building. 

State Rep. Francesca Hong focused on the benefits that the Inflation Reduction Act will bring to every Wisconsinite, and stressed that climate change is a defining issue in Wisconsin’s upcoming midterms. She highlighted that the Inflation Reduction Act is a block upon which state legislatures can build meaningful local climate action.

State Rep. Greta Neubauer called attention to the strides the Inflation Reduction Act will make toward cutting corporate greed and profiteering out of families’ energy costs. She pointed out that, though Republicans on the state and national level have repeatedly resisted climate action, the benefits the Inflation Reduction Act will bring to Wisconsinites should motivate them to participate or they’ll be left behind along with yesterday’s energy sources.