SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Today, Salesforce announced its “support of the climate investments outlined in the proposed reconciliation package, recognizing the critical returns they will deliver for the economy, the climate, and global communities.” Salesforce is the first major corporation to reaffirm their commitment to tackling climate change by endorsing the climate solutions in the Build Back Better agenda. 

This statement comes one day after groups sent 24 Business Roundtable members THIS letter calling on them to  hold true to their pledges to go “all in” on climate action. 

The Business Roundtable launched multi-million dollar efforts to derail the Build Back Better Act, which is key to stopping the worst of the climate crisis. Salesforce is among nearly 200 Business Roundtable corporations that have touted corporate wide plans to cut climate emissions and advance clean energy, and so far no other corporations that make up Business Roundtable have spoken in support of Build Back Better Act. If others don’t follow suit, customers, climate advocates, environmental justice groups, and others from the business community will chalk up these corporate climate commitments simply as a way to bolster their brands to customers who are increasingly concerned about climate change.

Lori Lodes, Executive Director of Climate Power, issued the following statement in response to Salesforce’s announcement:

“This is huge, and now it’s time for other corporations that have made climate pledges, announced plans to act, and signed letters to President Biden to cut climate emissions to do the same. The Build Back Better Agenda is a climate agenda, so it’s time for corporate America to stay true to their promises and values by getting behind the critical climate investments in the Build Back Better Act.”