ICYMI: Senate Majority Leader Schumer, Sen. Wyden, Sen. Stabenow, Sen. Smith, Rep. Johnson, Rep. Díaz Barragán, Rep. Davids, Rep Stanton, Labor and Climate Groups Hold Press Conference Near Anniversary of Inflation Reduction Act’s Passage

Washington D.C. – Earlier today, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, Senators Wyden, Stabenow and Smith, and Representatives Johnson, Díaz Barragán, Davids and Stanton, as well as BlueGreen Alliance and IBEW, gathered to celebrate the Inflation Reduction Act and the clean energy jobs that it has helped spur since passing one year ago. Speakers discussed how the passage of the legislation has brought jobs back to America and created more climate resilient communities. 

“Since we passed the IRA costs are down for families. We’re creating thousands of good paying union jobs, and we put our country back on track to meet our goals to reduce the most harmful impacts of climate. Costs are down, jobs are up and the amount of carbon going into the atmosphere is down […] we’re seeing the American economy transform, in a way that it hasn’t transformed since the development of electricity. And it’s all coming for the good of our planet, for the good of the atmosphere, for the good of climate,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer. 

“When we were in the finance committee in the early summer of 2021, we thought we might get to $300 billion worth of private investment. All of the measures that my friends have been talking about are far in excess of what we said could be a really positive piece of legislation. 170,000 jobs, 270 new clean energy products […] we’re not going back. And the reason why is because of these signs: clean energy; economic boom; delivering clean energy jobs. That’s what this is all about. People said after 2010 and 40 years worth of failure, that we couldn’t do it. Because of the incredible grassroots effort–particularly of America’s young people–we’re on our way, we’re not going back […],” said Sen. Ron Wyden.

“Since the IRA was enacted, Michigan has attracted $21 billion in clean energy investments, moved forward with 24 new projects and created almost 16,000 jobs. And that’s just in what we did in the last year. Ford’s new battery plant in Marshall will create 2500 jobs when it opens in 2026. Now hydrogen is building a plant in Michigan that will create more than 500 jobs and I could go on and on…. As Chair of the Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry committee, I was pleased to lead the effort to secure over $40 billion to help our farmers and ranchers and rural communities confront the climate crisis, almost $20 billion to help our farmers do what they want to do,” said Sen. Debbie Stabenow.

“These advances in the clean energy economy aren’t just creating jobs, they are lowering energy costs. In Minnesota families can save over $200 a year on their utility bills because of investments from this law. Now, President Biden and Congress promised to meet the moment of the climate crisis, while rebuilding domestic supply chains and making America the leader in the clean energy transition, and I am so proud of the work that we did together. I know that this past year has demonstrated that we can deliver on this promise and we are just getting going,” said Sen. Tina Smith

“The inflation Reduction Act is our first step towards this transition to green new renewable energy. And as everyone already knows this landmark legislation invested hundreds of billions of dollars into modernizing our economy, helping America address the climate crisis, all while creating more than 100,000 clean energy jobs […] but this Inflation Reduction Act is going to create more than 100,000 clean energy jobs. The law has already brought close to $19 billion in investment for 22 projects and created almost 17,000 new jobs in the state of Georgia, which I’m proud to hail from. That’s just within this past year…” said Rep. Hank Johnson

“We’ve seen that Latino communities across the country have seen direct investments from the Inflation Reduction Act and that has resulted in a number of new clean energy projects. Projects have delivered $28.5 billion in investments and over 35,000 jobs. These investments will also reduce air pollution in Latino and other underserved communities, and improve public health. This is reason alone to invest and continue to invest in climate. The IRA was the first step, but as you know, we’ve got to continue to push and fight to make sure we’re doing everything to address climate, to address environmental injustices, and that begins with starting investments in these communities and creating these jobs. So this one year anniversary is not just a celebration, but it’s really a reminder of the work Democrats in Congress have done and have to do to make sure we continue on this path,” said Rep. Nanette Barragán.

“Since we got this bill across the finish line about a year ago, we’ve seen companies reinvest in our local economies. We’ve seen companies reinvesting to build clean energy manufacturing facilities, including in places like DeSoto, Kansas, where Panasonic is making a $4 billion investment to build an electric vehicle battery plant, and that’s going to create over 20,000 new good paying jobs…,” said Rep. Sharice Davids.

“Almost 13,000 good, high-paying jobs, created throughout my state. Don’t just take my word for it. Just a few months ago I met with the CEO of Kore Power, an innovative battery manufacturer. They are building a facility in Arizona to produce battery cells that will replace up to 12 million gallons of gasoline every year. He told me that the Inflation Reduction Act was the lift that they needed to expand operations and Kore Power has committed to partnering with Arizona colleges to train and hire local workers. There are already 13 more projects just like this one that have broken ground in Arizona in the last year,” said Rep. Greg Stanton.  

“And as this report from Climate Power shows, the law’s investments are already delivering for American workers. In particular, for the blue collar workers who have been on the hurting end of economic changes and bad policies in this country for decades. Until now. The IRA contains a broad range of distinct, strategically targeted investments. […] let me just say this, we’re just getting started. Money has barely hit the ground. We’re talking about 170,000 jobs today. Get used to talking about millions. The analysis that we commissioned from economists at the University of Massachusetts estimates up to 9 million jobs created over a decade by this legislation. So we’re gonna win on climate. We’re gonna win on jobs. We’re going to win on justice. And there’s no going back,” said Jason Walsh, Executive Director of BlueGreen Alliance.

“In its first year, the Inflation Reduction Act has been a massive success for our country, and for workers nationwide. We have to continue to support these workers as we build towards a new energy future. And look, this is only the beginning. Ultimately, millions of new energy jobs will provide for American families for decades to come. Every family will benefit from affordable renewable energy that will lower their costs, contribute to a cleaner environment, and a safer and more secure future,” said Rico Albacarys, Political Director of IBEW Local 24

In the year since the Inflation Reduction Act was passed, clean energy businesses have announced or moved forward with more than 170,600 jobs across 44 states according to Climate Power’s Clean Energy Boom Anniversary Report. The new report details 272 new clean energy projects ranging from manufacturing electric vehicles in Arizona to developing solar infrastructure in Florida, and totaling $278 billion in new investments.