ICYMI: If Donald Trump Kills America’s Clean Energy Economy, We All Lose

Lansing, Mich. – With Donald Trump in the White House and Republicans in control of Congress, we are at a critical crossroads when it comes to protecting our nation’s growing clean energy economy. If we surrender now, we will cede the future of key industries to China and other competitors.

Michigan Republican Congressman John James recently noted that “we must not neglect the sector-wide energy tax provisions that manufacturers and job creators rely on in my district and around the country.”

Doing so would be harmful to our long-term interests both nationally and here in Michigan, which has seen nearly $28 billion in new private sector clean energy investments across 74 projects that are creating or advancing more than 26,000 new jobs.

Two new pieces in the New York Times highlight the stakes of the debate over our nation’s clean energy future.

First, in a guest essay published in today’s NYT, former Michigan Governor and U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm takes aim at President Trump’s agenda to unwind America’s clean energy investments. Under the headline “China Will Be Thrilled if Trump Kills America’s Green Economy,” Granholm points to “nearly 1,000 new or expanded clean energy factories announced across the United States in the past four years, along with about 800,000 new manufacturing jobs — proof that America has begun a manufacturing renaissance.”

Secretary Granholm continues:

The second article highlights the prospect that “President Trump’s repudiation of renewable-energy technologies stands to make the United States an outlier in the world” and “The United States risks further ceding a global market to China.”

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of this debate as the new administration and Congress decide the fate of America’s clean energy policies and the investments that have already created or advanced more than 400,000 clean energy jobs across the nation.

It’s time to stand up and protect our nation’s clean energy economy and the thousands of families here in Michigan and across America who depend on these new clean energy jobs to put food on the table.
