One Day In, Speaker Johnson Is Already Trying to Help Big Oil

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the first piece of legislation he’s moved since being elevated yesterday, Speaker Mike Johnson backed billions of dollars in cuts to President Biden’s affordable clean energy plan, including eliminating consumer rebates on energy-efficient appliances and upgrades that expand choice and lower costs for families. In response to the news, Climate Power senior advisor for clean energy Alex Wall released the following statement: 

“We’ve known from the jump that whoever MAGA Republicans chose for speaker, first on their to do list would be more attacks on President Biden’s clean energy plan. This will be the 26th time Republicans in Congress have tried to repeal the crucial clean energy investments that are lowering costs, creating jobs, and saving lives. Republicans continue to deny the fact that climate action and clean energy are overwhelmingly popular across the political spectrum and have already emerged as a key issue in the 2024 cycle. Voters will remember who tried to kill the clean energy boom and raise energy costs in order to pad Big Oil’s massive profits.”