REPORT CARD: Trump Gets an F in Georgia; In November, He’ll Get an L

Washington, D.C. – Ahead of Georgia’s primary, we’re here to remind you that Donald Trump failed Georgia families and the economy as President. His anti-worker and climate-denier agenda cost jobs and made Georgia’s air and water dirtier, threatening the health of communities across the state. Trump rolled back clean car standards that would have saved families money at the pump and protected wages for workers across the nation. The rollback was estimated to cost Georgians over $1 billion per year. Families in Georgia can’t afford another Trump presidency. 

“Donald Trump’s presidency was a disaster for Georgia, rolling back protections that endangered Georgia’s drinking water and curtailing investment in the clean energy sector,” said Climate Power Communications Director Alex Glass. “Now, Trump’s promising to be a dictator on day one and to gut President Biden’s clean energy plan that has already sparked tens of thousands of new jobs in Georgia alone. Georgians simply can’t afford another four years of Donald Trump.”

FAIL: During his presidency, Trump imposed tariffs on solar panels, and stonewalled the advancement of renewable energy projects. Since President Biden passed the Clean Energy Plan, companies have announced 40 new clean energy projects in Georgia, creating over 29,472 new clean energy jobs, of which 3,410 jobs are in Georgia’s solar industry.

FAIL: Trump’s attack on clean cars standard cost Georgians over $1 billion per year and contributed to increased greenhouse gases and particulate matter emissions

FAIL:  During Trump’s presidency, as he continued to deny the reality of climate change, Georgia saw 23 billion-dollar disaster events – including Hurricane Irma in 2017 –  that killed 97 people and caused at least $62 billion in damages. 

FAIL: A 2017 report showed Georgia’s drinking water was among the least safe in the nation. Still, Trump’s anti-science attitude led him to block action to make polluters pay for cleaning up toxic chemicals found in water supplies across the state. These forever chemicals, called PFAS, are linked to kidney and testicular cancer, hypertension, and other diseases. Meanwhile, President Biden’s administration recently announced a $5.8 billion investment to improve water infrastructure across the nation.