Republicans Try Once Again to Cut Critical Climate Funding

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Republicans approved a major appropriations bill that, if passed, would cut funding to the EPA by 39 percent. This draconian spending plan is the latest attempt from MAGA Republicans to roll back vital protections that hold polluters accountable and put an end to President Biden’s clean energy boom, which is creating jobs and lowering prices across the nation. In response to the news, Climate Power spokesperson Christina Polizzi released the following statement:

“It’s clear Mike Johnson and House Republicans’ priority is to push the MAGA anti-climate agenda, even as the clean energy plan is creating hundreds of thousands of jobs and lowering costs for families. This is just the beginning – Speaker Johnson is staffing up with pro-oil lobbyists and industry alums who will put Big Oil profits and CEO paychecks over the needs of families. Their strategy is a losing one – our newest polling shows that voters reject Republicans’ ‘drill baby drill’ agenda and want to elect candidates who will hold the oil and gas industry accountable.”

Already, Republicans in Congress have tried to repeal climate action in the Inflation Reduction Act 31 times. Meanwhile, the biggest five oil and gas companies made a combined $27 billion in profits in just the last quarter alone.