Stuck Between a Hoax and a Hard Place: Climate Will be a Top Issue in 2024 Electoral Cycle

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last night’s GOP presidential debate proved without a doubt that climate is a top issue in the 2024 election cycle. The first question from a Republican voter was about the candidates’ position on climate change. Not a single candidate on stage was willing to raise their hands and acknowledge that human behavior is the cause of climate change, with “rising star” Vivek Ramaswamy proudly declaring climate change a “hoax.” But what’s striking is that Ramaswamy’s answer produced a chorus of boos from the audience. These Republican candidates are vying to win over the MAGA GOP base with climate denialism, but their stances are out of touch with a vast majority of voters – including most Republicans

Let there be no doubt: climate change is going to be a top issue in 2024 and climate denial is a political liability for Republicans. 

“Republicans are stuck between a hoax and a hard place,” said Climate Power executive director Lori Lodes. “Their MAGA base demands a rigid stance against the obvious reality of climate change, which requires that they ignore what we’re all experiencing — extreme weather that disrupts lives and destroys communities week in and week out. How can anyone – let alone someone wanting to serve as president of the United States – look at the suffering taking place in Maui and record-breaking heat waves across the country and decide that we do nothing? This is politics at its worst, and voters are tired of it. The biggest takeaway from the first GOP presidential debate is that 2024 will be a climate election – and Republicans will face real consequences for their ongoing denials.”