Hyundai is looking to expand its EV footprint in North America, with new plans for a second manufacturing facility. Meanwhile, Tesla and BYD hit record sales numbers in the second quarter of this year, as demand for EVs continues to surge. As the world continues to grapple with extreme weather events, Sunrun is launching a first-of-its-kind program in Puerto Rico that could tap residential solar-battery systems to power the island’s grid – preventing rolling blackouts and prolonged outages in the midst of severe storms.  

A new report from Clean Energy Associates found that global usage of electric vehicles went up by 72% last year – with North America leading the way. According to a Yale and George Mason study, the majority of Americans feel that global warming should be a high or very high priority for the Biden Administration and Congress. New research shows that a safe and economically practical solution for recycling old solar panels exists – and it involves microwaves! Using a microwave to heat solar panels can unseal valuable raw materials like glass, copper, and silver.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a $10 million grant to expand federal technical assistance and resources to address energy justice concerns in New England communities. The Biden Administration is encouraging folks to get excited about clean hydrogen – announcing a $1 billion investment to insure market certainty in the early stages of developing supporting technologies. This comes after a team of researchers at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and the Department of Energy (DOE) celebrated new capabilities to help companies expand clean hydrogen energy generation. The Biden Administration also approved Orsted A/S’s Ocean Wind 1 project, bringing as many as 98 turbines to New Jersey – generating enough energy to power 380,000 homes. President Biden traveled to South Carolina yesterday to announce the groundbreaking partnership between solar firm Enphase Energy and manufacturer Flex Ltd, which will create 600 jobs in South Carolina. 

Lastly, a new report found that a change in regional transmission organization PJM Interconnection’s approvals process for electricity projects will bring more than $3 billion in investment and over 19,000 job-years to Pennsylvania. In Michigan, the legislature passed its fiscal year 2023 budget, which makes a variety of investments in clean energy and will add new jobs across the state. In Texas, experts are saying that renewable energy is helping keep electricity costs from skyrocketing during this heatwave. 

Private Sector

New Reports 

Biden Administration 
