Trump Doubles Down on “Drill, Baby, Drill” as Top Priority in 2024

Washington, D.C. – In a town hall in Iowa tonight, Donald Trump doubled down on his assertion that, if elected, his number one priority would be to “drill, baby, drill” in pursuit of “energy dominance” in the United States. In response to Trump’s comments, Climate Power communications director Alex Glass released the following statement: 

“Once again, Trump made his priorities clear: if elected, his number one priority is to double down on ‘drill, baby, drill.’ Trump is ready to give his Big Oil allies exactly what they want in his second term. Our clean energy future will be a central focus of the 2024 campaign, and the contrast between President Biden’s record of historic climate action and Trump’s history of regressive, disastrous climate decisions couldn’t be clearer. This year, our choice is between a climate champion and a climate arsonist.” 

Tonight, Donald Trump parroted Big Oil talking points. Here’s the truth: 

FACT: President Biden’s clean energy plan is expected to cut energy costs by as much as 9% and lower gas prices by as much as 13% by 2030. 

FACT: According to an analysis from the Rhodium Group, the Inflation Reduction Act will help households save over $1,000 a year on energy costs. 

FACT: Investments in wind and solar included in the Inflation Reduction Act lowered the cost of producing each by 55% and 40%, respectively, setting the stage for lower costs for families. 

FACT: President Biden’s clean cars standards are expected to save families over $1,000 at the pumpand tax credits make EVs more affordable by reducing the sticker price by up to $7,500, saving you and your family an average of $1,700 a year on fuel and maintenance costs. 

FACT:  Last year, oil and gas giants raked in a record $400 billion while spending $114 billion on stock buybacks and $100 billion on dividends, enriching their wealthy shareholders. Total industry profits soared to $78.37 billion in the first quarter of 2023.