Trump’s Anti-Union Action Highlighted in Detroit Free Press Ad From Climate Power

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ahead of Donald Trump’s visit to Michigan coinciding with the second GOP debate, Climate Power is running a full-page print ad in the Detroit Free Press on September 27th alongside digital and social media ads. The ad reminds voters that Trump weakened union protections and sided with corporations over workers time and again, including when it came to collective bargaining. Trump has repeatedly falsely claimed that electric vehicles would kill the auto industry, even as tens of thousands of jobs are being created to address surging EV demand. 

“Donald Trump is anti-worker, full stop. Hiding behind hard-working Americans to curry favor with his far-right MAGA base is disrespectful. Union labor put the United States on the cutting edge of innovation in manufacturing and industry and puts dinner on the table for millions of families,” said Climate Power deputy executive director Claire Moser. “Now, we have our union workers to thank for powering the clean energy economy and electric vehicle boom.”

Clean energy investments from President Biden’s climate plan are creating thousands of good-paying union jobs and helping to reduce emissions. EVs are good for Michigan workers’ future, even if Donald Trump denies it. The truth is, Donald Trump has never been a friend to Michigan autoworkers