WE’RE SORRY: To Be Sending Another Press Release, But Johnson Has Ties to Big Oil

The oil and gas industry is Johnson’s biggest political donor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – After stalling business in the House for weeks to appease the loudest MAGA voices in their party, Republicans finally elected Representative Mike Johnson to the speakership, confirming a continuing shift to the right on climate and energy issues. Johnson, who has taken more than $338,000 from the oil and gas industry – his biggest donor – in just four terms, is poised to deliver more of the same: endless votes to repeal critical climate and clean energy investments, more climate denial, and loyalty to Big Oil. In response to the vote, Climate Power executive director Lori Lodes released the following statement: 

“The new Speaker of the House is a major win for Big Oil and a massive threat to our clean energy future. President Biden and Democrats in Congress have delivered for working families by passing the Inflation Reduction Act, which is already lowering costs and pollution and has created over 170,600 jobs across the country. Always looking for more ways to help pad Big Oil’s profits, Republicans in Congress have already tried to repeal the law 25 times. Johnson will almost certainly keep that drumbeat going, which is ironic because the clean energy boom is disproportionately delivering jobs and investments in Republican districts – including his own. After today’s vote, oil and gas CEOs are laughing all the way to the bank.” 

Johnson’s district has benefitted from the Inflation Reduction Act, with 187 new clean energy jobs created across two clean energy projects with $45.5 million in investments overall.