JD Vance Threatens Our Clear Air And Water

Throughout his career, JD Vance has prioritized corporate interests over people’s health and safety. In the Senate, Vance repeatedly supported legislation that undermined clean air and clean water protections and voted to block protections for public health and workers from pollution. Vance has falsely claimed the clean energy plan did “nothing for the environment” despite its provisions being expected to reduce pollution by 40% by 2030. 

Vance has consistently opposed air pollution protections. He opposed Environmental Protection Agency rules to limit pollution from heavy-duty trucks, which are set to avoid up to 1 billion tons of emissions over the next three decades and provide $13 billion in net benefits related to public health, the climate, and savings for truck owners and operators. Vance also opposed Clean Air Act rules to curb pollution from fossil fuel sources and cosponsored legislation to prevent the EPA from implementing or enforcing pollution protections. 

When it comes to protecting our clean water, Vance’s record is no better. Vance voted to repeal the Clean Water Rule and to prevent future administrations from issuing similar rulings, which would jeopardize water resources and threaten pollution protections for critical waters.

Vance, who has taken over $350,000 from Big Oil interests, supported dangerous fracked gas pipelines that pollute our communities’ water and are prone to spills. He also supported mandating approval of permits for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, whose company is threatened the homes of Appalachian and Indigenous communities, and called the Line 5 pipeline an “important part” of the local economy, ignoring the over 1.1 million gallons of oil that the pipeline has spilled since 1968. 

Updated: 9/24/2024

Vance Threatens Our Clean Air

Vance Opposed Clean Air Protections

Vance Opposed Energy Efficiency Standards And Questioned The Harms Caused By Gas Appliances

Vance Attacked The Clean Energy Plan As Doing “Nothing” For The Environment While Attempting To Replace The Plan’s EV Subsidies With Subsidies For Polluting Gas-Powered Cars 

Vance Supported Legislation That Would Allow Corporations To Pollute, Putting Communities And The Environment At Further Risk Of Pollution Impacts

The Operator Of “America’s Deadliest Coal Plant” Was One Of Vance’s Top Contributors In 2022

Vance Threatens Our Clean Water

Vance Opposed Clean Water Protections

Vance Supports Fracking And Toxic Pipelines That Pollute Our Water