Senator Bob Casey Is A Climate Champion Who Will Protect Our Progress 

Senator Bob Casey is a climate champion for Pennsylvanians who is working to grow the Keystone State’s clean energy economy. Casey knows climate change is a crisis – and he has taken action by introducing legislation to curb pollution and supporting legislation to help address the worst impacts of the crisis, such as extreme heat, extreme rainfall, and flooding, as well as air and water pollution. Casey has also worked to hold Big Oil accountable, calling for an industry-wide investigation into the industry’s price-fixing and cosponsoring legislation to protect consumers from price hikes. Casey supported the clean energy plan, which has already spurred $1.08 billion in private investment and created 2,881 new clean energy jobs in the Keystone State while saving Pennsylvanians money on their bills.

In stark contrast, Connecticut hedge fund CEO Dave McCormick, who is running for Senate for the second time in two years, has made oil and gas production a centerpiece of his campaign. McCormick refused to acknowledge human activity as the main driver of climate change and has falsely claimed that natural gas production “helps the environment” while advocating to involve the fossil fuel industry in environmental policy. His energy platform is legislated climate denial –  McCormick believes fossil fuels, which are by far the largest contributors to climate change, are actually a solution to the crisis and claims they are “great for the environment.” In contrast to Casey’s work to address extreme weather and pollution, McCormick has not addressed the impacts of the climate crisis on Pennsylvania – rather, he’s called for the repeal of legislation that seeks to address extreme rain and flooding, clean air and water, and more.

McCormick is vastly out of touch with Pennsylvanians. 78% of Pennsylvanians support significantly increasing the use of renewable energy like wind and solar to generate electricity, but McCormick has blasted the “extreme green agenda” for funding wind and solar projects. In Pennsylvania, the impacts of climate change will mean hotter temperatures, increased drought, and more frequent heavy rainstorms. The state’s agriculture, its economy, and people’s health will all be hurt: 

Advancing Climate Action

If You Say One Thing

While Senator Bob Casey has acknowledged the climate crisis and introduced legislation to curb pollution, McCormick refused to acknowledge that human activity is the main driver of climate change and believes fossil fuels, which are by far the largest contributors to climate change, are actually a solution to the crisis.

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Expanding The Clean Energy Economy

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As of June 2024, Pennsylvania has received over $17 billion in funding from the Biden-Harris administration’s clean energy plan – that’s money going to communities all across the state to expand the clean energy economy. Clean energy means good-paying jobs for Pennsylvanians, but Dave McCormick is undermining climate action and our opportunity to build a clean energy future. McCormick has committed to leading the Republican effort to halt clean energy tax credits and called for rolling back the clean energy plan, which has already spurred $1.09 billion in investment and helped create 2,881 new clean energy jobs in the Keystone State. 

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Extreme Rainfall And Flooding

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Due to climate change, extreme precipitation events are projected to increase in Pennsylvania, causing more intense flooding and landslides. While Senator Bob Casey has advocated for and secured federal funding to make safety improvements to flood-prone areas, McCormick has not said or done anything to address the issue and wants to repeal historic legislation that has sought to address the issue. 

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Clean Air

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Pennsylvania has some of the worst air quality in the U.S., with the Pittsburgh-New Castle-Weirton metro area air ranking among the worst polluted in the nation. While Senator Bob Casey voted for legislation that provided clean school buses to ensure Pennsylvania children are breathing cleaner air and has pushed for stronger pollution standards for oil and gas, Dave McCormick wanted to make it “much easier to drill” in Pennsylvania – further polluting Pensylvanians’ air. 

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Clean Water

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Senator Bob Casey voted for legislation that provided millions in funding across Pennsylvania to help communities access clean, safe drinking water, remove or replace hazardous contaminated pipes, and collect and treat wastewater. McCormick, meanwhile, wants to repeal the bill. 

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Holding Big Oil Accountable

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While Senator Bob Casey has worked to hold big oil accountable through an industry-wide investigation into price fixing and legislation that would protect consumers from price hikes, McCormick has maintained close ties to the industry, parroting their talking points as they’ve funneled over $200,000 to his campaign. 

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Extreme Heat

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Climate change has caused Pennsylvania to see an increase in temperatures and extreme heat events putting people’s lives at risk, with heat advisories this summer outpacing the average rate. While Senator Bob Casey voted for legislation that has invested in communities to improve resiliency against heat, McCormick has not addressed the issue and wants to repeal the legislation. 

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